Basic Knowledge Higher English Een goede introductie van onderwerpen voor Hoger Engels (C1) to improve your English and increase your vocabulary; paperback in goede conditie; 131 pages; 145 x 10 x 210 mm; verzendkosten extra. |
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Engelse boeken: Basic Knowledge Higher English
Engelse boeken: W.B. Yeats Joseph Hone Pelican biography biografie - Engels
W.B. Yeats Joseph Hone Biography written with assistance of Yeats's widow. First published in 1943 four years after the poet's death. Pelican biographies 510 pagina's excl. 2,20 verzendkosten Kijk ook eens bij mijn andere advertenties met boeken (literatuur/studieboeken/kinderboeken/taalgidsen/geschie denis/filosofie enz.) in het Nederlands, Engels en andere talen. Overzicht van de verzendkosten: 100-250 gram = 1,75 250-500 gram = 2,20 500 gram-3 kg = 2,65 Pakketpost = 6,75 (max. 10 kg) |
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Engelse boeken: Personal effects Rex Reed
Personal effects Rex Reed Het Parelmeisje, wiens legendarische schoonheid eens een natie in haar greep hield, zal nooit meer haar familie zien. Een familie die bestaat uit de vier kinderen die ze in haar hart sloot als vervanging voor de kinderen die ze nooi kon krijgen en die ze allemaal tot sterrendom bracht. Aan het graf komen de vier, eens in de pers als Vier Fans genaamd, nog een keer bij elkaar. Door de ogen van de roddeljournalist Bill Buck zien we hun leven voorbij trekken. Bod exclusief verzendkosten tenzij nadrukkelijk anders aangegeven. |
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Engelse boeken: Examenbundel Engels 2009/2010 VWO
Aangeboden: Examenbundel Engels 2009/2010 VWO Prijs: Bieden Examenbundel Engels VWO 2009/2010 |
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Engelse boeken: We Are Still Married - Garrison Keillor
We Are Still Married - Garrison Keiller Faber and Faber-London , 1990 paperback , 375 pagina's , in matige staat ISBN: 0571160646 , ENGELSTALIG voor alle andere boeken die ik op marktplaats te koop heb staan, klik rechtsboven op "bekijk alle advertenties". 6040 |
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Engelse boeken: Wild: Stories of survival / Clint Willis (Engelse paperback)
Vaste prijs exclusief portokosten. Wild brings together the best writing about men and women fighting for their lives in the wilderness, from Jon Krakauer's article on which he based his bestseller Into the Wild, to Carl R. Raswan's account of surviving raids, droughts, and sandstorms in the desert with the Bedouins, to Joe Kane's description of terrifying adventures on the Amazon. |
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Engelse boeken: Grote partij Engelse boeken(75!)Grotendeels nieuw en de bes
Grote partij Engelse literatuur Lijst boeken: 1. Alexander, L.G. - Car thieves 2. Alexander, L.G. - Professor Boffin´s Umbrella 3. Alexander, L.G. - Worth a Fortune 4. Alexander, L.G. -April Fools´ Day 5. Aller, Henk van - Roller-skate detectives 6. Austen, Jane - Pride and prejudice 7. Barker, Pat - The man who wasn't there 8. Barton, Tony - Dick Turpin 9. Bates, H.E. - A Breath of French Air 10. Bellow, Saul - Mosby's Memoirs and other stories 11. Broek-Clay, K.M. van den-Son of a dark stranger 12. Brontë, Charlotte - Jane Eyre 13. Buchan, John - The thirty-nine steps 14. Buck, Pearl - The good earth 15. Burgess, Melvin - Tiger, tiger 16. Burrows, Phillip and Mark Foster - Orca 17. Burrows, Phillip and Mark Foster - Taxi of Terror 18. Burton, Antoinette - The three wishes 19. Byrne, Donn - On the road 20. Caldwell, Erskine - Tobacco Road 21. Chisholm - Meet me in Istanbul 22. Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur-The hound of the Baskervilles 23. Cooney, Caroline B -The face on the milk carton 24. Cornford, Annie - Troubled Waters 25. Cox, Alwyn - The black case 26. Dahl, Roald - Kiss Kiss 27. Davies, Sara - City First 28. Davies, Sara - Sisters of the road 29. Dickens, Charles - Oliver Twist 30. Dunkling, Leslie - Kate and the clock 31. Fitzgerald, Donatella- True heroes of sport 32. Foster, John L. - Mystery & Suspense Stories 33. Gibbons, Alan - Ganging up 34. Hagéus, M M. Walker The men with the red eyes 35. Hancock, Penny - Just good friends 36. Healy, Phil and Rick Glanville - Stranger than fiction-Urban Myths 37. Kooiker, Leonie - Bad, bad boys 38. Lamb, Charlotte - Star-Crossed 39. Larrington, Carolyne- A new surprise 40. Leather, Sue - The Amsterdam connection 41. Lessing, Doris - The fifth child 42. Lewis, Janet - The wife of Martin Guerre 43. Loader, Mandy - The black pearl 44. MacKinnen, A.H. e.a. - The spoiled world 45. Maurier, Daphne du - The birds 46. Maurier, Dapne du - Don't look now 47. Mc.Ewan, Ian - The cement garden 48. Mellgren, L. - No moon on Friday 49. Melville, Herman - Billy Budd 50. Milne, John - Adventure in Rio 51. Milne, John - The queen of death 52. Moore, Brian - Lies of silence 53. Naylor, Helen - Two lives 54. O'Reilly, Elaine - Mei's Dream 55. O'Reilly, Jane - The giant Marrow 56. Orwell, George - Animal Farm 57. Oxford university press- Dominoes 58. Palmer, Jessica - Danger in Dallas 59. Paton, Alan - Cry, the beloved country 60. Priestley, J.B. - An inspector calls 61. Prowse, Philip - The woman who disappeared 62. Rabley, Stephen - Blue Moon Valley 63. Reen, Ton van - The Wolf's Coat 64. Rose, Reginald - Twelve angry men Vocabulary 65. Serraillier, Ian - Have you got your ticket? 66. Shakespeare - King Henry 67. Shute, Nevil - A town like Alice 68. Singleton, Ken - Midnight Rollers 69. Singleton, Ken - Spies 70. Steinbeck, John - The pearl Vocabulary 71. Strasser, Todd - The wave 72. Thurber, James - Fables for our time and famous poems 73. Tyler, Anne - The accidental tourist 74. Verne, Jules - Round the World in 80 Days 75. Vicary, Tim - The Elephant Man LET OP: de lage vraagprijs per boek ad. 0,50 is gebaseerd op afname hele partij tegelijk. Per boek kan ook! De vraagprijs blijft laag, maar is relatief iets hoger! Ik reken bij verzending de minimale bijdrage aan verzendkosten pakketpost = 6,75! Dit betekent dat u nog geen 45,00 kwijt bent aan alle boeken en incl. verzendkosten....... |
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Engelse boeken: Maeve Binchy - Scarlet Feather
BeschrijvingScarlet Feather is set in contemporary Dublin, and is the story of Cathy Scarlet and Tom Feather, who go into business together as caterers. Tom is the son of a builder and his fanatically devout wife, both of whom are disappointed that he hasn't joined the family building firm. Cathy's father is an inveterately optimistic gambler on the horses, and her mother, Lizzie, is a domestic cleaner. In particular Lizzie cleans the house of Cathy's mother-in-law, the fearsome Hannah Mitchell. Hannah is furious that her clever lawyer son, Neil, should have married her maid's daughter, and is even more outraged when Cathy sets up Scarlet Feather with Tom.;Tom's hopelessly obsessive love for his beautiful, ambitious model girlfriend, Marcella, and Cathy's increasingly distant marriage to Neil, form the heart of the emotional tangles in the story. Against a background of hilarious catering triumphs and disasters, these key relationships begin to crumble, and the aphrodisiac of shared business trials and tribulations starts its inevitable work on Cathy and Tom.;Meanwhile, around them, a magical supporting cast of classic Binchy characters weaves its spell: a comically dreadful but endearing set of twin children; a lonely man looking for the foster daughter he had to hand back to her real parents years earlier; the glamorous aunt whose financial backing of Scarlet Feather has a dubious source. These and many more wend their way through a story of love and heartbreak and laughter - Maeve Binchy at her most beguiling. |
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Engelse boeken: The Most Wanted : Jacquelyn Mitchard
The long awaited second novel from Jacquelyn Mitchard, author of the million selling The Deep End of the Ocean. Arley Mowbray, only fourteen years old, is dreaming her life away in South Texas when -- defying all earthly logic -- she falls in love with an outlaw, Dillon LeGrande, and becomes his wife, and the mother of his child. When she meets her advocate and defender, Annie Singer, both their lives will change for ever. What happens to Arley and her husband is the stuff of legend. Dillon will break out of prison on a terrifying errand, but is it to claim his wife and baby daughter or to destroy them? Larger than life, yet the very stuff of life itself, The Most Wanted is a spellbinding story of reckless love that breaks all the rules -- a tour de force in which Jacquelyn Mitchard's fierce, tender insights into the bonds of mothers and daughters are powerfully and unforgettably conveyed.
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Engelse boeken: Special Delivery Danielle Steel
Special Delivery Danielle Steel A story of two people who find love where and when they least expect it Dell Book, 1997, 228 pp |
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Engelse boeken: dean koontz darkafall
cover kan afwijken graag bieden excl verzendkosten ad 1,76 |
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Engelse boeken: Thomas Hardy TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES engelse uitvoering
Nieuwstaat Engelse uitvoering van TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES van Thomas Hardy Luxe uitvoering Harde kaft Ophalen of verzenden (kosten en verzendrisico koper 2.20E) |
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Engelse boeken: SAS training manual
:Engelstalig boek 'The SAS Training Manual'. 2277-Zie ook mijn andere advertenties. Verzendkosten voor koper, ophalen mag ook |
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Engelse boeken: 3 engelse studieboeken(moeten aanschaffen MBO nooit gebruikt
Het gaat om drie studieboeken engels. Deze heb ik moeten aanschaffen voor het MBO maar nooit hoeven te gebruiken. Nooit geruikt en in zeer goede staat. Per boek mailen 15,00 direct verkocht, bieden vanaf 10,00 euro. |
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Engelse boeken: F is for Fugitive - Sue Grafton
Titel: F is for Fugitive Taal: engels Schrijver: Sue Grafton Conditie: bladzijdes zijn vergeeld, maar geen ezelsoren o.i.d. Aantal blz: 308 Isbn: 0-553-28478-9 Genre: mysterie Bij uw bod komen nog verzendkosten (TNT tarief). Ophalen niet mogelijk! Uw bod hoeft niet hoog te zijn. |
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Engelse boeken: Je eerste 150 Engelse zinnen
Je eerste 150 Engelse zinnenAngela WilkesBeschrijving* Voor jongeren (vanaf 10 jaar) en volwassenen die weinig of geen Engels kennen
RecensieNBD|Biblion recensie Deze taalgids richt zich op kinderen vanaf ca. 10 jaar die niet of nauwelijks Engels kennen en zelf hun weg willen vinden in Engeland. Daarom is het verdeeld in 12 hoofdstukken van twee pagina's die gaan over een praktische situatie: bv. eerste woordjes, de weg vragen, op een terrasje, naar de markt, kleren kopen en hoe laat is het. Ieder hoofdstuk is een stripverhaal, met kleurenfotootjes van poppen die de situatie uitbeelden. Per plaatje staat bovenin de Nederlandse zin (Ik begrijp het niet), dan de Engelse tekst (I don't understand) in een ballon bij een pop. Daaronder staat de fonetische tekst. Na ieder hoofdstuk volgt een pagina met losse woordjes met foto van het object, bv. tosti, suiker, limonade, chips. Dit is duidelijk een Dorling Kindersley gids: heel visueel, kleurrijk en duidelijk. Het is een praktische en leuke gids voor kinderen die net in de 7de groep van de basisschool zijn begonnen met Engels. Maar door de speelse, visuele uitvoering is het ook heel geschikt voor oudere volwassenen die nog geen Engels kennen. Het is dan ook jammer dat de Nederlandse bewerking nogal letterlijk is. (Biblion recensie, Drs. M.A.H. de Swart.) |
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Engelse boeken: Morning, Moon, and Night/ Marian Husken
When Harry Standford, one of the Wealthiest men in the world, mysteriously drowns while cruising on his yacht off the rugged coast of Corsica, it sets off a chain of events that reverberates around the globe. At the family gathering following the funeral in Boston, a strikingly beautiful young woman appears. She claims to be the daughter of Harry Stanford and entitled to a share of the tycoon's estate- is she genuine of an impostor? The Standford family is one of the most respected in America, but behind the facade of fame and glamour is a hidden web of blackmail, drugs, und murder. The shipping costs for the buyer ALSO IN THIS BOOK YOU WILL GET A FREE MAGNETIC BOOKMARKS |
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Engelse boeken: The Lake of Darkness
Aangeboden: The Lake of Darkness Prijs: 3,00 The Lake of Darkness geschreven door Ruth Rendell |
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Engelse boeken: The Mystery of Edwin Drood - Charles Dickens
The Mystery of Edwin Drood - Charles Dickens (is gebruikt voor boekenlijst) Kosten verzenden voor koper |
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Engelse boeken: Boek The judge's Story, schrijver Charles Morgan. Engels
Boek The judge's Story. Schrijver: Charles Morgan. Uitgever: Macmillan & Co. Ltd. - London. 218 pagina's. Harde kaft. Klik even op de foto's. Portokosten zijn voor koper. Book The judge's Story. Written by: Charles Morgan. Publishers: Macmillan & Co. Ltd. - London. 218 pages. Hardcover. Look at photographs. Buyer pays for postage. "At the Royal Automobile Club, to which he belonged for the sake of its swimming-bath and because it was near to Rodd's, Severidge had swum four lengths and eaten four sandwiches. This energetic and frugal process had been accurately timed. It was not his habit to be either early or late. No timepiece ever contradicted him unless it was wrong, and when he looked inquiringly at the post-office clock at the bottom of St. James's, it replied obediently : "Two-thirteen". At a q uarter past, h e would be on the steps of Rodd's. In that ancient club, he would drink a glass of brown sherry and play one rubber of bridge. From three-fifteen his car would be waiting for him. At three-forty-five or earlier he would be back in the chairman's room of Combined Metallurgical Industries -- his first afternoon appointment, with Haslip of the Treasury, was at three-fifty -- and would work there until he drove back to South Street to dress for dinner." |
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Engelse boeken: Andy McNab: Deep Black
Andy McNab: Deep Black (2) In perfect condition Nick Stone's future has never looked so bleak. The only person he's ever loved is dead. The only people who might give him a reason not to join her have turned their backs. Until a chance encounter with a man whose life he saved ten years ago... A simple quest in Baghdad takes Stone into the heart of a chilling conspiracy; too late, he realizes that he is being used as bait to lure into the open a man he believes can offer some salvation but whom the darker forces of the West will stop at nothing to destroy... Delivery costs(6,75) are for the buyer, or you can come and collect from me in Breda. |
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Engelse boeken: "God player" door Robin Cook.
"God player" door Robin Cook. Van de auteur van o.a.Coma, brain, fever. Oorspronkelijke titel:"Godplayer" Engelse versie. Thriller. Aantal pagina's 293. 1984. Uitgeverij: Pan books. ISBN 0 330 28259 x Eventuele verzendkosten zijn voor de koper. Bekijk de andere advertenties eens, kan verzendkosten besparen. |
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Engelse boeken: -70% ! The book of common dread, Brent Monahan
Aangeboden: The book of common dread, Brent Monahan ' A lord of darkness walks in ligth' Nette paperback, 1995 328 pagina's Van 5,75 nu 2,87 ! Uitverkoop, alle boeken nu vanaf 50% korting! Verzenden: 1,76 (en ophalen mag!) ' On the classy university campus, no one suspect that Vincent DeVilbiss is anything more than a unusually charming charlatan. But technology has done a lot to help the modern vampire integrate. Tinted contact lenses hide his amber eyes, sunscreen lets him walk in daylight - and a mysterious elixer keeps him vital and handsome. But when DeVilbiss draws a beautifull girl into the erotic and brutal world of the undead, he makes an enemy of Simon Penn, a young rare-books curator who loves her from afar. Then, as Simon confronts a seemingly invulnerable foe, he finds that a lot more than one woman's soul is at risk....' |
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Engelse boeken: Vlot Engels spreken in korte tijd, Deltas (Deel 3) met cas.
Nog in de verpakking: Taal leren voor beginners Engels, deel 3, Uitgeverij Deltas. Bestaande uit boekje en cassette. ISBN 90 243 4212 0 Prijs is vast, ex. verzendkosten (2,20 brievenbuspost of 7 euro aangetekende post) |
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Engelse boeken: Pocket van Anne Brontë: the tenant of Wildfell Hall.
Pocket van Anne Brontë: the tenant of Wildfell Hall. |
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Engelse boeken: Raymond E. Feist - 16 Books (English)!!
Zie hieronder alle boeken. Biedingen op een aantal van deze boeken is ook prima. Raymond E. Feist 1. Prince of the Blood (paperback) 2. Shards of a Broken Crown (paperback) 3. Krondor the Betrayal (paperback) 4. Flight of the Night Hawks (paperback) 5. Sliverthorn (paperback) 6.Tear of the Gods (paperback) 7. Into a Dark Realm (paperback) 8. Exiles Return (paperback) 9. King of Foxex (paperback) 10. A Darkness at Sethanon (paperback) 11. Rise of a Merchant Prince (paperback) 12. Krondor the Assassins (paperback) 13. Rage of a Demon King (paperback) 14. Shadow of a Dark Queen (paperback) 15. King of Foxes (paperback) 16. Talon of the Silver Hawk (paperback) |
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Engelse boeken: John Habberton Helen's babies editie c.a 1900 amusant boek
Aangeboden: John Habberton Helen's babies editie c.a 1900 amusant boek Prijs: Zie omschrijving John Habberton Helen's babies editie c.a 1900 amusant boek John Habberton HELEN'S BABIES uitgave in de Garland library van de Engelse uitgeverij Hutchinson, Zie onderstaande beschrijving bij de eerste Engelse uitgave. Deze dateert van c.a. 1900 Prima gebonden exemplaar met gedecoreerd voorplat. Alleen een lichte beschadiding bovenaan rug en idem bovenaan rug voorplat slijtage, Verder prima , 149 pp met frontspice en kleine lithofragmentjes in tekst. Daarnaast een hoop uitgeversreclame met veeL litho's Richtprijs: bieden vanaf 17, 50 euro excl verz [Habberton, John.] HELEN'S BABIES. With Some Account of Their Ways: Innocent, Droll, Fascinating, Roguish, Mischievous, and Naughty. Also, a Partial Record of Their Actions during Ten Days of Their Existence. By Their Latest Victim, Uncle Harry. Glasgow: David Bryce & Son, 1877. Original red cloth deco rated in gilt and black. First British Edition (the book was published the pre vious year in Boston). This is an amusing tale of woe of a 28-year-old bachelor baby-sitting for Budge and Toddie, his 5- and 3-year-old nephews (his sister Helen's babies). Recent movies on the same subject verify that things haven't changed much over the past century. The Glasgow edition's title page uses different adjectives for the "babies' ways"; in the American edition, they are described as "Innocent, Crafty, Angelic, Impish, Witching and Repulsive"). Also, the author's pseudonym, "Uncle Harry," is here added |
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Engelse boeken: Something Dangerous, Penny Vincenzi
Something Dangerous, A compelling story of 2 women in various situations. For more info please have a look at the 2nd picture. Look forward to selling this to you. |
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Engelse boeken: Enid Blyton The Most Exiting Famous Five & Secret Seven Box
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Engelse boeken: Boek Holland Engels
Aangeboden een boek over Holland. Gaat over de toeristische plekken over het gehele land. Taal Engels. Maat 26 x 20 cm. 126 blz. Verz.k.k.5z. Adv. 1293 |
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Engelse boeken: SIENKIEWICZ, H., Quo vadis? A tale of the time of Nero
Aangeboden: SIENKIEWICZ, H., Quo vadis? A tale of the time of Nero Prijs: 5,00 SIENKIEWICZ, H., Quo vadis? A tale of the time of Nero SIENKIEWICZ, H., Quo vadis? ("wither goest thou") A tale of the time of Nero. uitgegeven in 1900 door J.M.Dent and Company London, 541p. Op eerste bladzijde foto van Sienkiewicz. Gebonden boek voor de leeftijd in nog prima staat. Porto 2,64 mits opengeslagen verzonden voor de koper |
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Engelse boeken: Heel oud Engels Kinderboek: "Little Miss Muffet"
door Esme Eve. Echt een collector's item. Is gebruikt maar ziet er nog redelijk uit. SNELLE toewijzing en verzending!! |
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Engelse boeken: Ann Schlee: The Proprietor
Ann Schlee: The Proprietor. Uitg Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1983, isbn 0030639484, gebonden met omslag, in zeer goede staat |
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Engelse boeken: True Crime-Alone with the devil
True crime pocket: Psychopathic Killings that shocked the world. zie fotos. Mag voor klein bedragje weg, niet kapot of zo, maar duidelijke gebruikerssporen. Kan zo door de brievenbus! |
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Engelse boeken: underfoot in show business, door helene hanff
underfoot in show business, door helene hanff |
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Engelse boeken: Nora Roberts - Key of Valour
Gezocht: Nora Roberts - Key of Valour Prijs: Zie omschrijving WANTED : Paperback copy "Nora Roberts - Key of Valour" must be in good condition will pay 5,00 euro's incl. p&p costs |
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Engelse boeken: the sorrows of an Americain Siri Hustvedt
When Erik Davidsen and his sister, Inga, find a disturbing note among their father's papers, they believe he may be implicated in a mysterious death. The Sorrows of an American tells the story of the Davidsen family as brother and sister unbandage its wounds in the year following their father's funeral. Erik is a psychiatrist dangerously vulnerable to his patients; Inga is a writer whose late husband, a famous novelist, seems to have concealed a secret life. Interwoven with each new mystery in their lives are discoveries about their father's youth - poverty, the War, the Depression - that bring new implications to his relationship with his children. |
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Engelse boeken: Rhythms of live, by R.Foster & L.Kreitzman
Rhythms of life. "The biological clocks that control the dialy lives of every living thing." Also possible to pick up in Amsterdam. If your interested, see my other advertisements. |
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Engelse boeken: Robert H. Schuller: Don't Throw Away Tomorrow
Don't Throw Away Tomorrow Living God's Dream for Your Life by Robert H. Schuller To mark the golden anniversary of his ministry, one of America's most revered ministers has written a profound book offering the universal principles that have guided his life - and can inspire yours! A Lifetime of Wisdom Fifty years ago Robert H. Schuller founded a church on the idea that with faith, focus, and follow-through all of our dreams can become realities. A tireless advocate of this positive message, he built the Crystal Cathedral into one of America's most popular and beloved centers of worship. Dedicating his life to both his family and his ministry, Dr. Schuller has gone on to reach millions the power of belief. A gifted and moving storyteller, he now offers the wisdom he's gained over a lifetime of optimism and devotion. In this personal and inspirational book, Schuller showd us how the universal principles that have formed his life and his work can guide ours as well. Starting with the message of "Don't Throw Away Tomorrow!" this landmark book discusses powerful and universal ideals such as starting with optimism, choosing positive values, keeping focused, clearing the channels of communication, and - most important - looking to the Ultimate Authority. For fifty years Americans have been listening to Schuller's thoughtful guidance and have been inspired by his love of humanity and God. Don't Throw Away Tomorrow is a culmination of his wisdom, delivered directly to the reader - a tribute to the power of possibility thinking. Dr. Robert H. Schuller is the founder of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, a congregation he started in 1955 in a drive-in movie theater. He is the host of Hour of Power, a weekly television show that has grown into the most-watched religious program in the country, with over ten million viewers. Gebonden boek, 216 pag., in gebruikte staat Verzendkosten koper (mag ook opgehaald worden) Kijk ook eens naar mijn andere advertenties! |
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Engelse boeken: Taalgids Engels
Handige pocket voor op vakantie Wordt als brievenbuspost verzonden Al mijn spulletjes worden zorgvuldig verpakt. Kijk ook eens bij mijn andere advertenties. Verzendkosten 6,75 (Basispakket TNT) voor een pakket tot 10 kg |
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Engelse boeken: WELLS, H.G. - Marriage (Marjorie marries / Marjorie married
Aangeboden: WELLS, H.G. - Marriage (Marjorie marries / Marjorie married Prijs: Zie omschrijving WELLS, H.G. - Marriage (Marjorie marries / Marjorie married / Marjorie at Lonely Hut) London etc, Thomas Nelson & Sons. 430pp plus aantal pp uigeversreclame Gebonden Goed exemplaar met oorspronkelijke kaft Richtprijs: bieden vanaf 9 euro excl verz |
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Engelse boeken: A perfect day Richard Paul Evans
A perfect day Richard Paul Evans Robert Harlan heeft drie liefdes in zijn leven. Wanneer zijn drang naar succes zijn liefde voor zijn familie op de achtergrond zet gebeuren er onplezierige zaken. Met behulp van een vreemdeling ontdekt hij uiteindelijk wat hij op het spel heeft gezet en wat het kost om de liefde van zijn vrouw en dochter weer terug te winnen. Bod exclusief verzendkosten tenzij nadrukkelijk anders aangegeven. |
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Engelse boeken: Longman - Dictionary of comtemporary English
Aangeboden: Longman - Dictionary of comtemporary English Prijs: Bieden Longman Dictionary of contemporary English te koop aangeboden. Editie 1995. |
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Engelse boeken: Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet letter Paperback in goede staat, wel iets verkleurd Isbn 900154987x uitgeverij Wolters-Noordhoff Blackbirds 1997 The story is set in the harsh Puritan community of 17th century Boston. Hester Prynne leaves the local prison carrying her three-month-old baby and is guided to the pillory. She has given birth to an illegitimate child and refuses to reveal the identity of the father. She has been sentenced to stand on the platform of the pillory for three hours, and to wear for the rest of her life a scarlet letter A (for 'adultery') on her bosom as a mark of shame. She is once more urged to divulge the identity of her lover, but she refuses.... Verzendkosten Euro 1,76 voor koper, ophalen is ook mogelijk |
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Engelse boeken: the future of the european community - John Grahl
the future of the european community - John Grahl - 351 blz verzendskosten 2.20 |
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Engelse boeken: How To Be Good by Nick Hornby
How To Be Good by Nick Hornby Zie tweede scan voor een beschrijving Kijk ook even bij mijn andere advertenties voor meer engelstalige boeken |
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Engelse boeken: Used English books / gebruikte engelse boeken
Het Boekenmaatje is uw boekhandel op internet. Onze boeken zijn nieuw of zo goed als nieuw en lijken niet gebruikt. De prijzen van onze boeken zijn standaard 50 % van de nieuwe verkoopwaarde, soms zelfs lager. Het grootste deel van onze boeken word ingekocht via Terre Des Hommes. Terre Des hommes stopt uitbuiting van kinderen in ontwikkelingslanden. met projecten op het gebied van onderwijs, gezondheid en microkrediet maken ze kansarme kinderen weer kansrijk. Op onze website staan zo goed als alle boeken en DVD's. De voorraad wisselt wekelijks. Ook is hier te zien hoe klanten Het Boekenmaatje beoordeelt. Ook op marktplaats staan de boeken en dvd's die wij in voorraad hebben, de prijs via marktplaats en de webshop is gelijk, ook de voorwaarden, verzendkosten etc. zijn gelijk aan de webshop. Betalen kan via een overschrijving op ons rekeningnummer in Nederland en Duitsland of via Pay Pal. In de zeer nabije toekomst is het ook mogelijk te betalen via Ideal. Het Boekenmaatje Uw boekhandel op internet voor alle soorten boeken en DVD's. Voor meer informatie kunt u terecht bij: telefonisch: 043-3113648 06-41812540 BIJ ELKE BESTELLING EEN GRATIS MAGNETISCHE BOEKENLEGGER |
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Engelse boeken: Shoot The PUPPY WoordenBoek 21ste Eeuw BOEK Facebook Twitter
Facebook, Twitter, Sms, ... onze taal is nog nooit zo snel veranderd als vandaag. SHOOT THE PUPPY Hét woordenboek om je staande te houden in de 21ste Eeuw. HARDBACK (stevig boek met harde voor- en achterflap) Zéér recent: Uitgave 2006 Maar liefst 318 Pagina's 100% NIEUW 0,50 EURO = Slechts een halve euro! |
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Engelse boeken: 2 pb
Aangeboden: 2 pb Prijs: Bieden Iris Johansen: The killing game ( Coronet) - gelezen/matig Clare Francis: Betrayal (Pan) - gelezen doch net ex. |
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Engelse boeken: Bleachers; by John Grisham
Bleachers; by John Grisham Pocket; 229 pages; in good condition. |
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Engelse boeken: Gerhard van Roon: Hyde Park People, gratis verzending
Weerslag van een lange zwerftocht door het grootste park van Londen. Het schone en overzichtelijke landschap van het park is een perfecte tegenstelling voor de viezigheid en hectiek van de binnenstad van Londen. Het park is dan ook een geliefd toevluchtsoord om wonen of werk te ontvluchten, en de voorspelbaarheid van het park worden ruimschoots gecompenseerd door het exentrieke, en regelmatig hilarische gedrag van haar bezoekers. Niet slechts op zondags op Speakers Corner, maar ook tijdens kantooruren op de uitgestrekte grasvelden. Hyde Park People (2004) fotografie: Gerhard van Roon uitvoering: tweekleurendruk, gedrukt bij Rosbeek, gebonden door van Waarden in harde linnen kaft met los stofomslag. 48 pagina's formaat 20x22 cm. Nieuwprijs is 24,50, doe een leuk bod, de verzendkosten zijn gratis! |
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Engelse boeken: Acht Engelse boeken voor de jeugd - zo goed als nieuw
Acht Engelse boeken voor de jeugd - zo goed als nieuw Alles in 1 koop Holiday Hungry Jack Pippa from the joke shop Bad, bad boys The Amsterdam Connection Mei's dream Meet me in Istanbul My first English woordenboekje |
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Engelse boeken: Buddhism and Death door M.O'C. Walshe The Wheel publication
Buddhism and Death door M.O'C. Walshe The Wheel publication No. 261 Verzendkosten 0,90 Zie ook mijn andere advertenties |
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Engelse boeken: Five Years of British Labour 1945-1950 R de Visme Williamsom
Aangeboden: Five Years of British Labour 1945-1950 R de Visme Williamsom Prijs: T.e.a.b. FIVE YEARS OF BRITISH LABOUR 1945-1950 edited by René de Visme Williamson and Lee S. Greene Distributed by Kallman Publishing Company Copyright 1950 by the Southern Political Science Association Boek met grijs/groene kaft me rode ilustratie met rode letteropdruk in perfecte conditie; 404 pagina's; A SYMPOSIUM reprinted from The Journal of Politics Volume 12 Number 2 May 1950 The British general election of February, 1950 was so indecisive that a second general election appears to be necessary if Britain is to have a stable government. In anticipation of the first election the editors of The Journal of Politics decided to devote the May issue of 1950 to an examination of the record of the Labour Government which took office in 1945. This examination should now have an even greater interest in view of the indecisiveness of the e lection results and the strong possibility that the country will again have to be consulted. In accordance with past custom certain issues of the Journal have been published separately; the importance of the British scene to American students of politics has seemed to justify the reprinting of the May, 1950 issue in the present form. We wish to thank the contributors to this volume for their prompt response to our requests to assist us in this symposium. René de Visme Williamson Lee S. Greene CONTENTS Contributors The Program of the British Labour Party; an Historical Survey Francis Williams The Reform of British Central Government, 1945-1949 Herman Finer Local Government Under the British Labour Government Winston W. Crouch Aspects of National Economic Planning Under the Labour Government Martha M. Black The Genesis of the British Economic Plan; 1945 to 1950 Gilbert Walker Banking and Credit Under the Labour Government; 1945-1949 David Rowan The British Social Security Program Barbara Lewis and R. H. B. Condie Financial Aspects of Britain's National Coal Board R. Vance Presthus The Foreign Policy of the Labour Government Paul Gore-Booth The British Labour Party in the General Elections, 1906-1945 Lowell H. Harrison and Fred E. Grassland Francis Williams, C. B. E, is the author of the recent book, Socialist Britain, published in this country by the Viking Press. He is also the author of Fifty Years March; The Rise of the Labour Party. Mr. Williams was formerly editor of the Daily Herald. During the war he was Head of the News and Censorship Divisions of the British Ministry of Information and from 1945 to 1947 he was Advisor on Public Relations to Prime Minister Attlee. During 1949 he was a correspondent in the United St ates for the London Observer. He is the British Representative on the United Nations Sub-Commission on Freedom of Information and the Press. Herman Finer, in the course of a varied career, has held connections with the London School of Economics, the International Labor Office, the Social Science Research Council, and the University of Chicago, where he is now professor of political science. His numerous books and articles are widely known. Winston W. Crouch is Director of the Bureau of Governmental Research and associate professor of political science at the University of California at Los Angeles. He is a member of the Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission. He is the author of books and articles in the field of local government and administration. Martha M. Black is now Research Assistant to the Associate Director of the Public Administration Clearing House. She has taught at Wellesley College and has worked for the FEC, the War Ma npower Commission, and the U. S. Bureau of the Budget. Gilbert Walker was educated at New College, Oxford and now occupies the chair of economics at the University of Birmingham, England. He served in the Ministry of Supply in London during the war. He is the author of books and articles on transport, nationalization, and population problems. David Rowan is a graduate of the University of Bristol and isnow assistant lecturer in economics at the University of Birmingham, England, specializing in money and banking. Barbara Lewis is a lecturer in the Social Studies Department of the University of Birmingham. She has worked in industrial welfare and juvenile employment fields. Robert H. B. Condie was educated at the University of Glasgow. He is now assistant lecturer at the University of Birmingham, specializing in social and labor economics. R. Vance Presthus is assistant professor of public administration and political science at the University of Southern California. He spent several months in England in 1947 where he made a study of the British National Coal Board. Paul Gore-Booth was made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in the last New Year's Honours List. Lsist autumn he arrived in the United States to become head of the British Information Services. He has been in the United States repeatedly as a member of various delegations. He joined the British Foreign Service in 1933 and has held diplomatic posts in Vienna, Tokyo, and Washington. After 1945 he served in the Foreign Office in London in charge of the United Nations Refugee Department. Fred E. Crossland is instructor in political science at the Washington Square College of New York University. Lowell Harrison is a member of the Department of History of Washington Square College of New York University. He has published in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, and in other journals. |
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Engelse boeken: Boxed Set 4 J.R.R. TOLKIEN books ~ Hobbit, The Two Towers..
"If a book is worth reading, it is worth buying." (John Ruskin, 1819-1900) ("Wear the old coat and buy the new book.") (Austin Phelps) BOXED SET OF 4 BOOKS BY J. R. R. TOLKIEN THE HOBBIT, 1973 THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, 1973 THE TWO TOWERS, 1973 THE RETURN OF THE KING, 1973 Ballantine Books New York Paperbacks, all in nearly good as new, unread condition. Spines are slightly discolored from age. Box is also in very good condition, light rubbing, minor signs of wear on edges as seen in photo 2. Only thing you could possibly call a "defect" is slight bumping to lower right hand corner of backside of box (photo 3) and top is perhaps faded. Photos are scans of actual book (WYSIWYG) Bid does not include mailing costs (6,75 euros, pakkettarief) On back of each v olume, over photo of the author: "This paperback edition, and no other, has been published with my consent and co-operation. Those who approve of courtesy (at least) to living authors will purchase it, and no other." J. R. R. Tolkien Sorry; I do not respond to unrealistic bids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I prefer that you place your bid on the advertisement. However if you email me, please state which item or book you are emailing about and TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO PAY FOR IT. (PLEASE don't ask me what I want for it; if I think your bid is unreasonably low, I'll say so.... or I won't respond at all.) Save on mailing costs by ordering more than one book at a time. Click on BE KIJK ALLE ADVERTENTIES to see the other books (in English and Dutch) and items I offer on Marktplaats. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOOK CONDITION DEFINITIONS: EXCELLENT - Almost good as new. No defects. VERY GOOD - Shows some small signs of wear, but no tears on either binding or paper. any defects are noted. GOOD - Average used read book that has all pages or leaves present. Any defects are noted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pleasure doing business with you!" . . . . . "Bedankt voor de snelle en perfekte levering van het boek". . . . "Fijn om te weten dat er toch mensen zijn die hun hobby erg serieus nemen" . . . "Prima staat, prima ver pakt. Bedankt!" "Vond ik het van mijn kant uit prettig zaken te hebben gedaan met u." "Als ik weer een boek nodig heb, kijk ik eerst in je boekenlijst.". . . . . "Bedankt voor de goede service.". . . . "Goed ontvangen, bedankt. ". . . . . "Dankjewel voor deze vlotte vriendelijke transactie." . . . . . "Bedankt voor het snel en prettig zaken doen.". . . . . "Hartstikke bedankt voor de prima service." . . . . . . "Bedankt voor de goede afhandeling." . . . . . "Bedankt voor de vlotte en vooral nette afhandeling.". . . . . "Dank voor de uitstekende moeite.". . . . . . "Dank voor de snelle zending" . . . . . "Bedankt voor de fijne manier van zaken doen!" "Ik heb de boeken ontvangen. . . ze zien er als nieuw uit en je had ze ook he el verzorgd opgestuurd. Ik ben er erg blij mee". . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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Engelse boeken: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy set van 5 boeken
Set is in zo goed als nieuwe staat. Alleen eerste boek is, een keer, gelezen. A five-volume edition charting Arthur Dent's odyssey through space, comprising: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy One Thursday lunchtime the Earth gets demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass. For Arthur, who has just had his house demolished, this is too much. Sadly, the weekend's just begun. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe When all issues of space, time, matter and the nature of being are resolved, only one question remains: Where shall we have dinner? The Restaurant at the End of the Universe provides the ultimate gastronomic experience and, for once, there is no morning after. Life, The Universe and Everything In consequence of a number of stunning catastrophes, Arthur Dent is surprised to find himself living in a hideously miserable cave on prehistoric Earth. And then, just as he thinks that things cannot possibly get any worse, they suddenly do. So Long, And Thanks for All The Fish Arthur Dent's sense of reality is in its dickiest state when he suddenly finds the girl of his dreams. They go in search of God's Final Message and, in a dramatic break with tradition, actually find it. Mostly Harmless 20 years on, the Guide falls into the hands of Arthur Dent's daughter, Random, whose mother, unexpectedly to all concerned, is Trillian. Random journeys to an insignificant planet, whose entry in the Guide reads "mostly harmless". Bod exclusief evt verzendkosten. Kijk ook eens bij mijn overige advertenties. |
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Engelse boeken: Uitverkoop! The Still, D. Feintuch ' A medieval adventure'
Aangeboden: The still, David Feintuch, ' A rousing medieval adventure' ISBN: 0-446-60551-4 paperback, 1997 Engelstalig 578 pagina's in nette staat. Van 4,- nu 2,- ! Uitverkoop, nu al mijn boeken 50% korting! Verzendkosten: 2,20 (en ophalen mag) " If you seek a king, Look to me! I dug at Ebon's flanks. He leaped as if galvanized. Wind tore at my jerkin. I set my javelin as the batlemaster had taught. For Rodrigo! rust sounded confident, even joyous. For Caledon! No time for more words. Rust spurred Santree, managed to close to my side. We sailed over the fallen trunk. A soldier reared; my javelin tore through his chest. With a twist, I pulled it free. Fostrow thundered, two paces behind. Wait, Roddy! Form a line! I tugged gently on the reins, and Ebon slowed enough for him to close. In a mad gallop, others of our band joined the line. Behind the fallen tree the archers took aim. We couldn't charge them head-on; the trees were too strong a barrier. But Verein hadn't finished boxing their archers with pickmen, and to our right the way was open. I waved my javelin. Flank them! It meant a dash the width of the field, across the massed archers. Death, for many of us...' ' Prince Rodrigo was born to rule - or was he? The spoiled young heir of Caledon has paid scant heed to duty, compassion, or the Power he must Wield... until the queen's death leaves him a hunted outlaw. To claim his crown, Roddy needs allies. To win them, he must learn to rule. To rule, he must command the Still, the ancient power of Caledon. But first he must rule himself. For to become a king, Rodrigo must first become a man...' |
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