Grote partij Engelse literatuur Lijst boeken: 1. Alexander, L.G. - Car thieves 2. Alexander, L.G. - Professor Boffin´s Umbrella 3. Alexander, L.G. - Worth a Fortune 4. Alexander, L.G. -April Fools´ Day 5. Aller, Henk van - Roller-skate detectives 6. Austen, Jane - Pride and prejudice 7. Barker, Pat - The man who wasn't there 8. Barton, Tony - Dick Turpin 9. Bates, H.E. - A Breath of French Air 10. Bellow, Saul - Mosby's Memoirs and other stories 11. Broek-Clay, K.M. van den-Son of a dark stranger 12. Brontë, Charlotte - Jane Eyre 13. Buchan, John - The thirty-nine steps 14. Buck, Pearl - The good earth 15. Burgess, Melvin - Tiger, tiger 16. Burrows, Phillip and Mark Foster - Orca 17. Burrows, Phillip and Mark Foster - Taxi of Terror 18. Burton, Antoinette - The three wishes 19. Byrne, Donn - On the road 20. Caldwell, Erskine - Tobacco Road 21. Chisholm - Meet me in Istanbul 22. Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur-The hound of the Baskervilles 23. Cooney, Caroline B -The face on the milk carton 24. Cornford, Annie - Troubled Waters 25. Cox, Alwyn - The black case 26. Dahl, Roald - Kiss Kiss 27. Davies, Sara - City First 28. Davies, Sara - Sisters of the road 29. Dickens, Charles - Oliver Twist 30. Dunkling, Leslie - Kate and the clock 31. Fitzgerald, Donatella- True heroes of sport 32. Foster, John L. - Mystery & Suspense Stories 33. Gibbons, Alan - Ganging up 34. Hagéus, M M. Walker The men with the red eyes 35. Hancock, Penny - Just good friends 36. Healy, Phil and Rick Glanville - Stranger than fiction-Urban Myths 37. Kooiker, Leonie - Bad, bad boys 38. Lamb, Charlotte - Star-Crossed 39. Larrington, Carolyne- A new surprise 40. Leather, Sue - The Amsterdam connection 41. Lessing, Doris - The fifth child 42. Lewis, Janet - The wife of Martin Guerre 43. Loader, Mandy - The black pearl 44. MacKinnen, A.H. e.a. - The spoiled world 45. Maurier, Daphne du - The birds 46. Maurier, Dapne du - Don't look now 47. Mc.Ewan, Ian - The cement garden 48. Mellgren, L. - No moon on Friday 49. Melville, Herman - Billy Budd 50. Milne, John - Adventure in Rio 51. Milne, John - The queen of death 52. Moore, Brian - Lies of silence 53. Naylor, Helen - Two lives 54. O'Reilly, Elaine - Mei's Dream 55. O'Reilly, Jane - The giant Marrow 56. Orwell, George - Animal Farm 57. Oxford university press- Dominoes 58. Palmer, Jessica - Danger in Dallas 59. Paton, Alan - Cry, the beloved country 60. Priestley, J.B. - An inspector calls 61. Prowse, Philip - The woman who disappeared 62. Rabley, Stephen - Blue Moon Valley 63. Reen, Ton van - The Wolf's Coat 64. Rose, Reginald - Twelve angry men Vocabulary 65. Serraillier, Ian - Have you got your ticket? 66. Shakespeare - King Henry 67. Shute, Nevil - A town like Alice 68. Singleton, Ken - Midnight Rollers 69. Singleton, Ken - Spies 70. Steinbeck, John - The pearl Vocabulary 71. Strasser, Todd - The wave 72. Thurber, James - Fables for our time and famous poems 73. Tyler, Anne - The accidental tourist 74. Verne, Jules - Round the World in 80 Days 75. Vicary, Tim - The Elephant Man LET OP: de lage vraagprijs per boek ad. 0,50 is gebaseerd op afname hele partij tegelijk. Per boek kan ook! De vraagprijs blijft laag, maar is relatief iets hoger! Ik reken bij verzending de minimale bijdrage aan verzendkosten pakketpost = 6,75! Dit betekent dat u nog geen 45,00 kwijt bent aan alle boeken en incl. verzendkosten....... |
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