Engelse boeken: Boek The judge's Story, schrijver Charles Morgan. Engels

Aangeboden: Boek The judge's Story, schrijver Charles Morgan. Engels Prijs: € 5,50

Boek The judge's Story. Schrijver: Charles Morgan. Uitgever: Macmillan
& Co. Ltd. - London. 218 pagina's. Harde kaft. Klik even op de
foto's. Portokosten zijn voor koper.

Book The judge's Story. Written by: Charles Morgan. Publishers:
Macmillan & Co. Ltd. - London. 218 pages. Hardcover. Look at
photographs. Buyer pays for postage.

"At the Royal Automobile Club, to which he belonged for the sake
of its swimming-bath and because it was near to Rodd's, Severidge had
swum four lengths and eaten four sandwiches. This energetic and frugal
process had been accurately timed. It was not his habit to be either
early or late. No timepiece ever contradicted him unless it was wrong,
and when he looked inquiringly at the post-office clock at the bottom
of St. James's, it replied obediently : "Two-thirteen". At a
q uarter past, h e would be on the steps of Rodd's. In that ancient club,

he would drink a glass of brown sherry and play one rubber of bridge.
From three-fifteen his car would be waiting for him. At
three-forty-five or earlier he would be back in the chairman's room of
Combined Metallurgical Industries -- his first afternoon appointment,
with Haslip of the Treasury, was at three-fifty -- and would work
there until he drove back to South Street to dress for dinner."
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