Engelse boeken: John Habberton Helen's babies editie c.a 1900 amusant boek

Aangeboden: John Habberton Helen's babies editie c.a 1900 amusant boek Prijs: Zie omschrijving

John Habberton Helen's babies editie c.a 1900 amusant boek

John Habberton HELEN'S BABIES uitgave in de Garland library van de Engelse uitgeverij Hutchinson,
Zie onderstaande beschrijving bij de eerste Engelse uitgave. Deze dateert van c.a. 1900
Prima gebonden exemplaar met gedecoreerd voorplat. Alleen een lichte beschadiding bovenaan rug en idem bovenaan rug voorplat slijtage, Verder prima , 149 pp met frontspice en kleine lithofragmentjes in tekst. Daarnaast een hoop uitgeversreclame met veeL litho's
Richtprijs: bieden vanaf 17, 50 euro excl verz

[Habberton, John.] HELEN'S BABIES. With Some Account of Their Ways: Innocent, Droll, Fascinating, Roguish, Mischievous, and Naughty. Also, a Partial Record of Their Actions during Ten Days of Their Existence. By Their Latest Victim, Uncle Harry. Glasgow: David Bryce & Son, 1877. Original red cloth deco rated in gilt and black.
First British Edition (the book was published the pre vious year in Boston). This is an amusing tale of woe of a 28-year-old bachelor baby-sitting for Budge and Toddie, his 5- and 3-year-old nephews (his sister Helen's babies). Recent movies on the same subject verify that things haven't changed much over the past century. The Glasgow edition's title page uses different adjectives for the "babies' ways"; in the American edition, they are described as "Innocent, Crafty, Angelic, Impish, Witching and Repulsive"). Also, the author's pseudonym, "Uncle Harry," is here added
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