Engelse boeken: Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet letter

Aangeboden: Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet letter Prijs: € 1,50

Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet letter
Paperback in goede staat, wel iets verkleurd
Isbn 900154987x
uitgeverij Wolters-Noordhoff
Blackbirds 1997

The story is set in the harsh Puritan community of 17th
century Boston. Hester Prynne leaves the local prison
carrying her three-month-old baby and is guided to the pillory.
She has given birth to an illegitimate child and refuses to
reveal the identity of the father. She has been sentenced to
stand on the platform of the pillory for three hours, and to
wear for the rest of her life a scarlet letter A (for 'adultery')
on her bosom as a mark of shame. She is once more urged
to divulge the identity of her lover, but she refuses....

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