Aangeboden: The still, David Feintuch, ' A rousing medieval adventure' ISBN: 0-446-60551-4 paperback, 1997 Engelstalig 578 pagina's in nette staat. Van 4,- nu 2,- ! Uitverkoop, nu al mijn boeken 50% korting! Verzendkosten: 2,20 (en ophalen mag) " If you seek a king, Look to me! I dug at Ebon's flanks. He leaped as if galvanized. Wind tore at my jerkin. I set my javelin as the batlemaster had taught. For Rodrigo! rust sounded confident, even joyous. For Caledon! No time for more words. Rust spurred Santree, managed to close to my side. We sailed over the fallen trunk. A soldier reared; my javelin tore through his chest. With a twist, I pulled it free. Fostrow thundered, two paces behind. Wait, Roddy! Form a line! I tugged gently on the reins, and Ebon slowed enough for him to close. In a mad gallop, others of our band joined the line. Behind the fallen tree the archers took aim. We couldn't charge them head-on; the trees were too strong a barrier. But Verein hadn't finished boxing their archers with pickmen, and to our right the way was open. I waved my javelin. Flank them! It meant a dash the width of the field, across the massed archers. Death, for many of us...' ' Prince Rodrigo was born to rule - or was he? The spoiled young heir of Caledon has paid scant heed to duty, compassion, or the Power he must Wield... until the queen's death leaves him a hunted outlaw. To claim his crown, Roddy needs allies. To win them, he must learn to rule. To rule, he must command the Still, the ancient power of Caledon. But first he must rule himself. For to become a king, Rodrigo must first become a man...' |
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