Engelse boeken: Tom Clancy : Rainbow Six THRILLER

Aangeboden: Tom Clancy : Rainbow Six THRILLER Prijs: € 8,50

Tom Clancy : Rainbow Six THRILLER

Penguin zéééér lijvige paperback 1999

Newly named head of an élite multinational task force, John Clark faces the world's greatest fear: international terrorism. And following each terrifying new outbreak - the ghosts from his own past.
The challenge of a new mission is just what Clark needs, but the opportunities come faster than he expected. Hostage-taking at a Swiss bank. The kidnapping of an international trader. Carnage at a theme park in Spain. Each incident seems separate, yet the timing disturbs Clark.
Is there a connection? Is he being tested? Or is there a bigger threat out there, from terrorists so extreme that no government is ready to admit their existence?

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