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SUSPENCE / THRILLER / HORROR: Adams, Richard - Traveller pocket isbn: 0-440-20493-3 Dell fiction 2 Adler, Warren - Madeline's Miracles pocket isbn: 1-55802-348-8 Lynx Books 2 Airth, Rennie - River of Darkness pocket isbn: 0-330-37317-X PAN 3 Archer, Jeffrey -A matter of honor pocket isbn: 0-340-40148-6 Coronet Books 2 Archer, Jeffrey - As the Crow Flies pocket isbn: 0-340-55876-8 Coronet Books 2 Archer, Jeffrey - First among Equals pocket isbn: 0-671-54100-5-350 Pocket Fiction 2 Archer, Jeffrey - Honor among Thieves pocket isbn: 0-06-109324-6 Harper 2 Archer, Jeffrey - Not a penny more, not a penny less pocket isbn: 0-286-13294-X Harper 2 Archer, Jeffrey - Shall we Tell the President pocket isbn: 0-449-20320-4 Fawcett 2 Barker, Clive - Cabal pocket isbn: 0-00-617666-6 Fontana 3 Barnes, Linda - A Trouble of Fools pocket isbn: 0-340-50919-8 Coronet Books 2,50 Bloch, Robert - Psycho pocket 1 Caldwell, Ian & Thomason, Dustin - The Rule of Four pocket isbn: 0-09-945195-6 Arrow Books 3 Carré, John Le - 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The Secret Generations pocket isbn: 0-552-12488-5 Corgi 2 George, Elizabeth - A Traitor to Memory pocket isbn: 0-340-76708-1 NEL Books 3 George, Elizabeth - A Traitor to Memory pocket isbn: 0-553-84037-1 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - Deception on his Mind pocket isbn: 0-553-57509-0 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - For the Sake of Elena pocket isbn: 0-553-56127-8 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner pocket isbn: 0-340-68884-X Nel Books 3 George, Elizabeth - In the Presence of the Enemy pocket isbn: 0-553-40846-1 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - Missing Joseph pocket isbn: 0-553-56604-0 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - Payment in Blood pocket isbn: 0-553-17511-4 Bantam Books 3 Gould, Nat - A Stroke of Luck pocket 0,50 Greene, Graham - Stamboul Train pocket isbn: 0-14-001898-0 Pinguin Books 1 Grisham, John - A Time to Kill pocket isbn: 0-440-21172-7 Island Books 2 Grisham, John - A Time to Kill pocket isbn: 0-440-21172-7 Island Books 2 Grisham, John - The Client pocket isbn: 0-440-21352-5 Island Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Client pocket isbn: 0-09-950801-X Arrow Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Brethren pocket isbn: 0-440-23667-3 Dell Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Chamber pocket isbn: 0-44022060-2 Dell Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Chamber pocket isbn: 0-44022060-2 Dell Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Partner pocket isbn: 0-440-29555-6 Island Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Street Lawyer pocket isbn: 0-440-22570-1 Island Books 2,50 Guest, Diane - Cristobel pocket isbn: 0-00-637780-7 Fontana Books 3 Guest, Diane - Lullaby pocket isbn: 0-00-617985-1 Fontana Books 3 Guest, Diane - The Nightwalker pocket isbn: 0-00-637781-5 Fontana Books 3 Hackett, General Sir John & others - The Third World War pocket Sphere 2 Hailey, Arthur - Airport pocket isbn: 330 02305 5 Pan 2 Hailey, Arthur - Detective pocket isbn: 0-552-14376-6 Corgi 3 Hailey, Arthur - In high Places pocket Bantam 2 Hall, James W. - Under Cover of Daylight pocket isbn: 0-446-35231-4 Warner Books 2 Hassel, Sven - 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Kingsley & McArthur A. - No Mean City pocket Corgi 0,50 Ludlum, Robert - The Aquitaine Progression pocket isbn: 0-586-05277-1 Granada 3 Ludlum, Robert - The Chancellor Manuscript pocket isbn: 0-553-04986-0 2 Ludlum, Robert - The Parsifal Mosaic pocket isbn: 0-553-17058-9 Bantam 2 Ludlum, Robert - The Rhinemann Exchange pocket isbn: 440-05079-195 Dell 2 Ludlum, Robert - The Scarletti Inheritance pocket isbn: 0-553-25856-7 Bantam Books 2 Ludlum, Robert - The Scorpio Illusion pocket isbn:0-00-647633-3 Harper Collins 3 Ludlum, Robert - The Tristan Betrayal pocket isbn: 0-75285-941-2 Orion 3 Ludlum, Robert - The Scorpio Illusion Groot Gebonden Boek & Omslag isbn: 0-553-09441-6 Bantam 5,00 Lustbader, Eric van - Angel Eyes pocket isbn: 0-586-20954-9 Grafton 2,50 Lustbader, Eric van - Beneath an Opal Moon pocket isbn: 0-586-05585-1 Granada 2,50 Lustbader, Eric van - French Kiss pocket isbn: 0-586-20627-2 Grafton 2,50 MacDonald, John D. - The End of the Night pocket 1 MacGregor, T.J. - Dark Fields pocket isbn: 0-7088-3657-7 Futura 2 MacLean, Alistar - The Guns of Navarone pocket 1 MacLean, Alistar - Where Eagles Dare pocket 1 Mailer, Norman - The Deer Park pocket Corgi 1,50 Mailer, Norman - The Executionair's Song pocket isbn: 0-09-923060-7 Arrow 2,50 Malamud, Bernard - The Assistant pocket isbn: 0-14-002621-5 Penguin 1 Morgolin, Phillip - Wild Justice pocket isbn: 0-06-103063-5 Harper 3 Marsh, Ngaio - Death in Ecstasy pocket isbn: 0-515-05499-2 Jove 1,50 Marsh, Ngaio - Killer Dolphin pocket isbn: 0-515-06071-2 Jove 1,50 McBain, Ed - The Pusher pocket isbn: 0 1 00 1970 7 Penguin 1 Morrell, David - The Brotherhood of the Rose pocket isbn: 0-450-05892-1 NEL 1,50 Offenberg, Jean - Lonely Warrior pocket isbn: 583 11523 3 Mayflower 1 Osier, John - Rankin : Enemy of the State pocket isbn: 0 14 00 9818 6 Penguin 1 Plante, Linda La - Prime Suspect 3 pocket isbn: 0-7493-1590-3 Mandarin 2 Peterson, Michael - A Time of War pocket isbn: 0-7493-0747-1 Mandarin 2 Puzo, Mario - The Godfather pocket isbn: 330 02457 4 Pan 2 Reeman, Douglas - Killing Ground pocket isbn: 0-330-31636-2 PAn 2 Reichs, Kathy - Death Du Jour pocket isbn: 0-09-925519-7 Arrow 3 Ridpath, Michael - The Predator Grote Paperback isbn: 0-7181-4460-0 Penguin Fiction 4,50 Rivers, Gayle - The Killing House pocket isbn: 1-55773-131-4 Charter 1,50 Roberts, Colin - Nuclear Subtraction pocket 1 Rogers, Chris - Rage Factor pocket isbn: 0-553-58070-1 Bantam Books 3 Roth, Philip - The Plot Against America pocket isbn: 0-099-48488-9 Vintage 2 Shea, Robert - Shike pocket isbn: 0-00-616448-X Fontana 2 Seinkiewicz, Henryk - Quo Vadis pocket 1 Smith, Martin Cruz - Gorky Park pocket isbn: 345-30392-X Ballantine 2,50 Smith, Martin Cruz - Nightwing gebonden boek & kaft isbn: 0233 96948 9 4 Smith, Martin Cruz - Red Square pocket isbn: 0006472575 Fontana 2,50 Smith, Wilbur - Shout at the Devil pocket isbn 0-330-02440-X Pan 2,50 Smith, Wilbur - The Burning Shore pocket isbn: 0-330-29227-7 Pan 2,50 Straub, Peter - Houses Without Doors pocket isbn: 0-586-21202-7 Grafton 3 Straub, Peter - Houses Without Doors pocket isbn: 0-586-21202-7 Grafton 3 Straub, Peter - Mystery pocket isbn: 0 586 20958 1 Grafton 3 Tanenbaum, Robert K. pocket isbn: 0-451-19328-8 Signet 3 Turner, William O. - The Proud Diggers pocket 1 Turow, Scott - Presumed Innocent pocket isbn: 0-14-010336-8 Penguin 2,50 Uris, Leon - Armageddon pocket isbn: 440-00290-175 Dell 2 Uris, Leon - Battle Cry pocket isbn: 553 02166 175 Dell 2 Uris, Leon - Exodus pocket isbn: 552 08384 4 Dell 2 Uris, Leon - Mila 18 pocket isbn: 553 03829 125 Dell 2 Uris, Leon - QBVII pocket isbn: 553 06777 150 Dell 2 Uris, Leon - The Angry Hills pocket isbn: 0 552 08521 9 Dell 2 Uris, Leon - Topaz pocket isbn: 552 08091 8 Dell 2 Uris, Leon - Trinity pocket isbn: 0-552-10565-1 Dell 2,50 Vachss, Andrew - Blossom pocket isbn:0-8041-0751-3 Ivy Books 2 Walker, Walter - The Immediate Prospect of Being Hanged pocket isbn: 0-451-40207-3 Onyk 2 Walters, Minette - The Sculptress pocket isbn: 0-330-33037-3 Pan 3 Williams, Jon - The Yankee pocket 1 Williams, Simon - Talking Oscars pocket isbn: 0-7493-0145-7 Mandarin 1,50 LITERATURE: Austen, Jane - Emma pocket isbn: 0-14-062010-9 Penquin Books 2 Austen, Jane - Emma pocket isbn: 1-85326-028-2 Wordsworth Classics 2 Austen, Jane - Mansfield Park pocket isbn: 1-85326-032-0 Wordsworth Classics 2,50 Austen, Jane - Northhanger Abbey pocket isbn: 1-85326-043-6 Wordsworth Classics 2,50 Austen, Jane - Northhanger Abbey pocket isbn: 0-14-043074-1 Penquin Books 2,50 Austen, Jane - Persuasion pocket isbn: 1-85326-056-8 Wordsworth Classics 2,50 Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice paperback isbn: 9001 95572 X Blackbirds 2,50 Bainbridge, Beryl - The Bottle Factory Outing paperback isbn: 9001 54986 1 Blackbirds 2 Bennet, Arnold - Anna of the Five Towns paperback isbn: 1-85326-224-2 Wordsworth Classics 3 Blackmore, R. D. - Lorna Doone pocket isbn: 1-85326-076-2 Wordsworth Classics 2,50 Brontë, Anne - Agnes Grey paperback isbn: 1-85326-216-1 Wordsworth Classics 3,50 Brontë, Anne - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall pocket isbn: 1-85326-092-4 Wordsworth Classics 3,50 Brontë, Charlotte - Jane Eyre paperback isbn: 0-14-043400-3 Penquin Books 2 Brontë, Charlotte - Shirley pocket isbn: 1-85326-064-9 Wordsworth Classics 3 Brontë, Charlotte - Shirley pocket isbn: 1-85326-064-9 Wordsworth Classics 3 Brontë, Charlotte - The Professor paperback isbn: 1-85326-208-0 Wordsworth Classics 3,50 Brontë, Charlotte - Villette pocket isbn: 1-85326-072-X Wordsworth Classics 3 Brontë, Charlotte - Villette pocket isbn: 1-85326-072-X Wordsworth Classics 3 Buchan, John - Greenmantle paperback isbn: 1-85326-204-8 Wordsworth Classics 3,50 Buchan, John - Mr Standfast paperback isbn: 1-85326-225-0 Wordsworth Classics 3,50 Buchan, John - The Thirty-nine Steps pocket isbn: 1-85326-080-0 Wordsworth Classics 2 Butler, Samuel - The Way of All Flesh paperback isbn: 1-85326-228-5 Wordsworth Classics 4 Calasso, Roberto - The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony paperback isbn: 0-679-73348-5 Vintage Books 4 Chesterton, G. K. - The Man Who Was Thursday paperback isbn: 1-85326-236-6 Wordsworth Classics 3,50 Childers, Erskine - The Riddle of the Sands pocket isbn: 1-85326-038-X Wordsworth Classics 3 Cleland, John - Fanny Hill pocket isbn: 0-85326-057-6 Wordsworth Classics 2 Collins, Wilkie - The Moonstone pocket isbn: 1-85326-044-4 Wordsworth Classics 2 Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness and other stories paperback isbn: 1-85326-240-4 Wordsworth Classics 3,50 Conrad, Joseph - Lord Jim pocket isbn: 1-85326-037-1 Wordsworth Classics 3 Conrad, Joseph - The Secret Agent pocket isbn: 1-85326-065-7 Wordsworth Classics 3 Cooper, J. Fenimore - The Last of the Mohicans pocket isbn: 1-85326-049-5 Wordsworth Classics 3 Defoe, Daniel - Moll Flanders pocket isbn: 1-85326-073-8 Wordsworth Classics 3 Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe pocket isbn: 1-85326-045-2 Wordsworth Classics 3 Dickens, Charles - Hard Times paperback isbn: 1-85326-232-3 Wordsworth Classics 4 Dickens, Charles - The Old Curiosity Shop paperback isbn:1-85326-244-7 Wordsworth Classics 4 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes pocket isbn: 1-85326-033-9 Wordsworth Classics 2,50 Doyle, Roddy - The Woman Who Walked Into Doors paperback isbn: 9001 552684 Blackbirds 2 Dumas, Alexandre - The Three Musketeers pocket isbn: 1-85326-040-1 Wordsworth Classics 2 Elliot, George - The Mill on the Floss pocket isbn: 1-85326-074-6 Wordsworth Classics 3 Fielding, Henry - Tom Jones pocket isbn: 1-85326-021-5 Wordsworth Classics 3 Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby pocket isbn: 1-85326-041-X Wordsworth Classics 2 Forester, C. S. - The Ship pocket 1 Galsworthy, John - A Modern Comedy The Forsyte Chronicles, Vol.2 paperback isbn: 0-14-018445-7 Pinguin Books 2 Gaskell, Elizabeth - Cranford pocket isbn: 1-85326-046-0 Wordsworth Classics 2 Haggard, H. Rider - She paperback isbn: 1-85326-234-X Wordsworth Classics 3 Hardy, Thomas - Far from the Madding Crowd pocket isbn: 06.2047.8 Pinguin Books 2 Hardy, Thomas - Far from the Madding Crowd pocket isbn: 1-85326-067-3 Wordsworth Classics 2 Hardy, Thomas - Far from the Madding Crowd pocket isbn: 1-85326-067-3 Wordsworth Classics 2 Hardy, Thomas - Jude the Obscure pocket isbn: 0-14-062060-5 Pinguin Books 3 Hardy, Thomas - The Return of the Native pocket isbn: 0-14-062055-9 Pinguin Books 3 Homer - The Iliad paperback isbn:1-85326-242-0 Wordsworth Classics 4 Homer - The Odyssey pocket isbn: 1-85326-025-8 Wordsworth Classics 4 Huxley, Albous - Brave New World pocket The Albatross Books 4 Huxley, Albous - Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow and other essays pocket Signet 3 James, Henry - Daisy Miller and other stories paperback isbn: 1-85326-213-7 Wordsworth Classics 4 James, Henry - The Ambassadors pocket isbn: 1-85326-034-7 Wordsworth Classics 3 James, Henry - The Golden Bowl paperback isbn: 1-85326-249-8 Wordsworth Classics 4 James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw pocket isbn: 1-85326-069-X Wordsworth Classics 3 James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw pocket isbn: 1-85326-069-X Wordsworth Classics 3 Jerome, K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat pocket isbn: 1-85326-051-7 Wordsworth Classics 3 Joyce, James - Portrait of the Artist pocket isbn: 1-85326-006-1 Wordsworth Classics 2 Kipling, Rudyard - Kim pocket isbn: 1-85326-099-1 Wordsworth Classics 2 Kipling, Rudyard - Plain Tales from the Hills pocket isbn: 1-85326-054-1 Wordsworth Classics 4 Kipling, Rudyard - Puck of Pook's Hill pocket isbn: 0-14-062147-4 Pinguin Books 4 Lawrence, D. H. - Sons and Lovers pocket isbn: 1-85326-047-9 Wordsworth Classics 3 Lawrence, D. H. - The Rainbow paperback isbn: 1-85326-250-1 Wordsworth Classics 4 London, Jack - The Call of Wild & White Fang pocket isbn: 1-85326-026-6 Wordsworth Classics 3 Maurier, George Du - Trilby paperback isbn: 1-85326-233-1 Wordsworth Classics 4 Melville, Herman - Typee paperback isbn: 1-85326-230-7 Wordsworth Classics 4 Munro, Hector Hugh - The Complete Stories of Saki pocket isbn: 1-85-326-071-1 Wordsworth Classics 3 Nesbit, E. - The Railway Children pocket isbn: 0-14-062162-8 Pinguin Books 3 Ondaantje, Michael - The English Patient paperback isbn: 0-330-33027-6 Picador 3 Pearl, Matthew - The Dante Club pocket isbn: 0-345-49038-X Ballantine Books 4 Scott, Sir Walter - Rob Roy paperback isbn: 1-85326-253-6 Wordsworth Classics 3 Steinbeck, John - Of Mice and Men paperback isbn: 9001 54843 1 Blackbirds 2 Stevenson, R. L. - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde pocket isbn: 1-85326-061-4 Wordsworth Classics 3 Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace pocket isbn: 1-85326-062-2 Wordsworth Classics 3,50 Trollope, Anthony - Barchester Towers pocket isbn: 0-14-062021-4 Pinguin Books 3 Trollope, Anthony - Dr. Thorne paperback isbn: 1-85326-207-2 Wordsworth Classics 4 Trollope, Anthony - Framley Parsonage paperback isbn: 1-85326-215-3 Wordsworth Classics 4 Trollope, Anthony - The Last Chronicle of Barset paperback isbn: 1-85326-231-5 Wordsworth Classics 4 Trollope, Anthony - The Small House at Allington paperback isbn: 1-85326-223-4 Wordsworth Classics 4 Trollope, Anthony - The Small House at Allington pocket isbn: 0-14-062177-6 Pinguin Books 3 Trollope, Anthony - The Warden pocket isbn: 1-85326-087-8 Wordsworth Classics 3 Trollope, Anthony - The Warden pocket isbn: 0-14-062031-1 Pinguin Books 3 Voltaire - Candide pocket isbn: 1-85326-063-0 Wordsworth Classics 2 Wharton, Edith - The Age of Innocence paperback isbn: 1-85326-210-2 Wordsworth Classics 4 Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray pocket isbn: 1-85326-015-0 Wordsworth Classics 3 Woolf, Virginia - Orlando paperback isbn: 1-85326-239-0 Wordsworth Classics 4 Woolf, Virginia - To the Lighthouse pocket isbn: 1-85326-091-6 Wordsworth Classics 3 |
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