John Irving Son of the Circus Zeldzame Druk Met Handtekening In zeer mooi staat. Engels Taal. |
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Engelse boeken: John Irving Gesigneerd Son of the Circus met Handtekening
Engelse boeken: The glory Game Janet Dailey
The glory Game Janet Dailey Plotseling staat Luz alleen in een wereld die hard en meedogenloos blijkt te zijn. Geschokt in haar zekerheden en zelfvertrouwen vlucht Luz in de drank die haar helpt de pijn en de leegte te vergeten. Ze klampt zich vast aan haar kinderen, maar Trisha keert zich steeds verder van haar af, terwijl Rob juist een overdreven bescherming aan de dag legt. Bod exclusief verzendkosten tenzij nadrukkelijk anders aangegeven. |
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Engelse boeken: Isaac Asimov boeken / science fiction
Aangeboden: Isaac Asimov boeken / science fiction Prijs: Bieden Isaac Asimov boeken / engelstalig Asimov - Earth is room enough Asimov - Foundation and chaos (the second foundation trilogy - Greg Bear) Asimov - The alternate Asimovs. The original unpublished versions of Pebble in the sky, The end of eternity and Belief Asimov - The best science fiction of Isaac Asimov, as chosen by the SF Grand Master himself Asimov - The caves of steel /bol Asimov - The currents of space Asimov - The Gods Themselves de boeken zijn ook per stuk te koop; uw bod graag excl. de verzendkosten |
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Engelse boeken: The ENGLISH NOVEL, a short critical history - Walter Allen
Te koop: THE ENGLISH NOVEL a Short Critical History by Walter Allen Uitgave: Phoenix House Gebonden, hardcover 358 pagina's Licht beschadigde stofomslag Boek in voortreffelijke staat Voor meer aanbiedingen: Zoek met de zoekmachine op trefwoord CDJK (uitgebreid zoeken; in titel en beschrijving) |
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Engelse boeken: Engelstalige thrillers van Tess Gerritsen
10 Engelstalige thrillers van Tess Gerritsen, boeken zien er goed uit. 3,00 per stuk maar er kan natuurlijk ook een deal gemaakt worden als er meerdere gekocht worden. Titels; Live support The sinner Body double The surgeon Harvest The bone garden Whistleblower Gravity Never say die Vanish |
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Engelse boeken: Closer by Kit Craig
Closer by Kit Craig Zie tweede scan voor een beschrijving Kijk ook even bij mijn andere advertenties voor meer engelstalige boeken |
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Engelse boeken: The world of the Forsytes/John Fisher
Uitvoering: gebonden hardcover met stofomslag 224 blz:rijk geillustreerd uitgever: Universe books-New York 1976 conditie: zeer goed verzendk:2.76 binnen Nederland v.k. |
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Engelse boeken: The Railway Game Clifford Dyment autobiografie
Readers Union. J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd 1963 London. 218 blz. Gebonden met hard kaft en stofomslag. Stofomslag heeft wat kleine scheurtjes, boek in goede toestand. Referentienummer 797. Als u biedt is dat exclusief verzend- en verpakkingskosten (2,60 euro). Bij emailen graag vermelden waar u op biedt en/of informatie over wilt hebben! Zie ook mijn andere advertenties om te besparen op verzendkosten. |
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Engelse boeken: Diverse boekjes van Iris Murdoch.
Diverse boekjes van Iris Murdoch. Engelstalige pockets, allen gelezen, maar prima in orde
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Engelse boeken: Tom Clancy : Rainbow Six THRILLER
Aangeboden: Tom Clancy : Rainbow Six THRILLER Prijs: 8,50 Tom Clancy : Rainbow Six THRILLER Penguin zéééér lijvige paperback 1999 Newly named head of an élite multinational task force, John Clark faces the world's greatest fear: international terrorism. And following each terrifying new outbreak - the ghosts from his own past. The challenge of a new mission is just what Clark needs, but the opportunities come faster than he expected. Hostage-taking at a Swiss bank. The kidnapping of an international trader. Carnage at a theme park in Spain. Each incident seems separate, yet the timing disturbs Clark. Is there a connection? Is he being tested? Or is there a bigger threat out there, from terrorists so extreme that no government is ready to admit their existence? de verzendkosten van 3,00 euro komen er nog bij |
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Engelse boeken: Charles Dickens The Adventures of Oliver Twist 1907
Charles Dickens The Adventures of Oliver Twist. London Chapman & Hall Ltd. The Popular Edition. First Issue of this Edition, March 1907. Illustrated end papers. 410 bladz. Gebonden boekje, formaat 17,5 X 11,5 cm. Het boek is in goede tweedehands staat. N.B. Naam op shutblad. S.v.p. alleen bieden via marktplaats. |
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Engelse boeken: Ken Follet, On the Wings of Eagles
-waar verhaal -is duidelijk gelezen maar kan gerust nog iemand plezieren |
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Engelse boeken: It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be
The world's best selling book by PAUL ARDEN bieden excl verzendkosten van 1,84 euro |
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Engelse boeken: Vassilis Vassilikos - Z
Vassilis Vassilikos - Z Mocht u meer informatie willen stuur dan gerust een reactie, ik zal al uw vragen beantwoorden. De prijs is exclusief eventuele verzendkosten. Ophalen is mogelijk in Wageningen. Kijkt u ook eens naar mijn andere advertenties. Terugvindletter:F-28 |
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Engelse boeken: Public Relations for Hospitals A Practical Handboek H. Kurtz
PUBLIC RELATIONS FOR HOSPITALS A Practical Handboek Harold P. Kurtz M.S. Director of Public Relations Lutheran General Hospital Park Ridge, Illinois With a Foreword by James A. Hamilton Emeritus Director and Professor rogram in Hospital Administration University of Minnesota CHARLES C THOMAS PUBLISHER Springfield Illinois Gebonden boek met harde groene linnen kaft met gouden letteropdruk met witte stofomslag met zwarte letteropdruk in perfecte conditie; 150 pagina's met tientallen zwart/wit foto's, illustraties enz.; Stressing the application of sound communication principles to the hospital setting, this book is a practical guide for the student of public relations or hospital administration, the experienced public relations practitioner who is taking a job in the hospital, the administrator, the trus tee or volunteer. Practical, workable solutions, stressing not only the "how" of hospital public relations, but the "why" as well are offered. The author points out that public relations is not an end in itself, but a means to the end. He explains the need for good intra-hospital communications as well as extrahospital communications. Practical tips on writing and designing brochures, working with the photographer, cooperating with news media and a host of other day-today activities which the hospital public relations director will be doing in his daily work are covered. A short and readable guide for hospital pubhc relations-short enough to be read in one evening, but good enough to be on the hospital reference shelf for constant referral. CONTENTS Foreword - James A. Hamilton Acknowledgments I. THE SCOPE OF HOSPITAL PUBLIC RELATIONS II. WHAT THE JOB IS III. GETTING ALONG IN THE HOSPITAL FA MILY IV. TELLING THE HOSPITAL STORY V. WORKING WITH THE NEWS MEDIA VI. RELATING TO FUND RAISING VII. WORKING WITH VOLUNTEERS VIII. WORKING WITH THE PRINTER IX. WORKING WITH THE PHOTOGRAPHER X. SERVING THE COMMUNITY XI. EVALUATING PUBLIC RELATIONS XII. WHERE TO GET HELP Bibliography Appendix Index This handbook of practical hints for the conduct of a public relations program in a hospital is very timely. The voluntary hospitals of the country are under intensified public crutiny by those who are irritated by specific practices of individual institutions (i.e., raising prices, etc.), by those politicians who seek public favor, or by those who state that we have no system but merely unrelated, fragmented units. The latter are anxious to do away with the voluntary pattern and substitute a governmental system of organization for such vital health services. During the last two decades h ospital s ha ve developed into communications centers involving the dissemination of information. This ranges from scientific knowledge to specifics for career development of high school students. Most of the voluntary hospitals of the country are small in size. At one time each hospital needed only intimate personal contact with its small family of friends. Now this complex service institution must face the challenge of securing mutual understanding with about seventy organized "publics" on a local, state, and national level. These "publics" range from patients, employees, visitors and church groups, to professional organizations, government agencies, the national press and members of Congress. Many hospitals cannot afford a full-time public relations staff, in which case some part-time staff member is made responsible for the collection of the information, and its channeling to the various media, that is required. The person so designated will find in this book many suggestio ns of value. Most of us cannot remember a time when hospitals were not subjected sporadically to sharp and pointed criticism. This status appears inherent when involved in continuous and intimate contact with human lives and health. Therefore, it is imperative that purposeful effort be developed to sustain constant friendliness with the various "publics," if they in turn are to safeguard and retain the values that they now enjoy. It is also well to remember that the voluntary system of hospitals in our country, the largest and most successful in the world, is entirely built on public relations. As a whole, our hospitals have many public relations strengths. Yet legitimate criticism can be directed toward the poor public relations of a given individual institution which appears unduly slow to adopt change, or is insensitive to the characteristics of its immediate environment. It is emphasized that to generate good relations it is not sufficient jus t to do a goo d institutional job. Such a result needs to be accompanied by appreciation on the part of the "publics" involved. To secure such appreciation requires a constant earned and maintained program of intercourse with each "public," not sporadic outbursts of contact. Diligent effort must be exerted to anticipate the potential public relations results of contemplated operative action. Sufficient time must be allowed for the reviewing of areas of possible criticism and the devising of means for avoiding them - to make sure of doing the right thing at the right time in the right manner. Continuous in-service training and supervision should be afforded the personnel at various operations levels of the organization to make them aware of the image their actions create on each "public." To insure a coordinated public relations effort definite guide lines and support should be furnished at the pohcy making level. Public relations effort is more than pubhcity. It is a t wo-way str eet of communication to and from the various "publics" and it uses far more vehicles than the written word. Fundamentally, it is based upon a willingness to admit error when occasion dictates, and to mature friendliness wholesomely by gaining respect through intellectual honesty and understanding. The various techniques and suggestions developed in this book should be helpful to those concerned, whether they be full-time public relations staff members, or administrators or department heads. Efforts spent in the gaining of concepts suggested and in the development of useful skills described in this volume should enhance the opportunity for an individual institution to gain desired objectives within its own community of "publics." JAMES A. HAMILTON |
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Engelse boeken: te koop taalcurses engels nieuw prijs 99 euro bij mij 50
te koop taalcurses engels nieuw prijs 99 euro bij mij 50 euro nieuw in ongeopend verpaking 0650410120 |
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Engelse boeken: English Children's books/ Engelstalig Kinderboeken
Van alles wat Engelse kinderboeken!Leuk voor de twee talig gezin of als eerste ervaring met engels!Graag als set te koop!!!English children's books: from baby to learn to read!! |
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Engelse boeken: Nieuw Boek : Ik leer engels ( engels voor beginners)
Ik heb dit boek gekregen, maar die er niks mee. Basiswoordenschat voor beginners. Dit woordenboek is speciaal gemaakt voor jongeren die pas Engels beginnen te leren. De woorden zijn ingedeeld in thema"s: de familie, boerderijdieren, de seizoenen en de maanden, alle woorden die tot de basiswoordenschat van de Engelse taal behoren, komen aan bod. De vele tekeningen helpen om alles sneller en beter te onthouden. Voor u het weet spreekt uw kind aan aardig mondje Engels! |
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Engelse boeken: George Orwell, Animal farm.
George Orwell, Animal farm. Engelstalig. Conditie: Gebruikt 1,00 |
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Engelse boeken: Frederick Forsyth, The Fourth protocol.
Frederick Forsyth, The Fourth protocol. Engels talig. Conditie: Gebruikt 2,00 |
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Engelse boeken: Orlando - Virginia Woolf
Ophalen of Verzenden. Verzendkosten voor koper, zie TNT tarieven onderaan de advertentie. Bij Pakketpost mail ik de TNT Track & Trace code na verzending dan bent u direct op de hoogte van de verzendstatus van uw pakketzending en weet u precies waar uw pakket zich bevindt. U ziet het ook als de zending al onderweg is naar het afleveradres. NU GEEN VERZENDKOSTEN BIJ EEN BESTELLING VANAF 35 EURO ( VERZENDING BINNEN NL PAKKETPOST TOT 10 KILO)!! Dus bestel een flink pakket boeken voor urenlang leesplezier en ik betaal de verzendkosten á 6,75! 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The Looking Glas War pocket Dell Books 1 Carré, John Le - The Secret Pilgrim pocket Ballantine Fiction 2 Charteris, Leslie - Call for the Saint pocket Hodder Books 1 Charteris, Leslie - Enter the Saint pocket Pan Books 1 Charteris, Leslie - Send for the Saint pocket Coronet Books 1 Charteris, Leslie - Return of the pocket Saint Coronet Books 1 Charteris, Leslie - The Saint goes West pocket Coronet Books 1 Charteris, Leslie - The Saint to the rescue pocket Coronet Books 1 Charteris, Leslie - Return of the Saint pocket Coronet Books 1 Christie, Agatha - A Holiday for Murder pocket isbn: 0-553-24144-3 Bantam Books 1 Clancy, Tom - Clear and Present Danger pocket isbn: 0-425-12242-5 Berkley Books 2,50 Clancy, Tom - Net Force Explorers pocket isbn: 0-7472-6190-3 Headline feature Books 2,50 Clancy, Tom - Patriot Games pocket isbn: 0-425-11218-7 475 Berkley 2,50 Clancy, Tom - Net Force pocket isbn: 0-425-16172-2 Berkley 2,50 Clancy, Tom - Opcenter pocket isbn: 0425147363 Berkley 2,50 Clancy, Tom - Power Plays Shadow Watch pocket isbn: 0-14-027925-3 Pinguin 2,50 Clancy, Tom - The Hunt for Red October pocket isbn: 0-00-617276-8 Fontana 2,50 Clancy, Tom - The Sum of All Fears pocket isbn: 0-425-13324-9 Berkley 2,50 Clark, Ford - The open Square pocket 1 Clark, Mary Higging - Daddy's Little Girl pocket isbn: 0-7434-4937-1 Pocket Books 3 Clavell, James - King Rat pocket isbn: 0-340-20445-1 Coronet Books 2,50 Clavell, James - Shogun pocket isbn: 0-440-17800-2 Dell Fiction 2,50 Cornwell, Patricia - All That Remains pocket isbn: 0-7515-0110-7 Warner Books 3 Cornwell, Patricia - Cause of Death pocket isbn: 0-7515-1917-0 Warner Books 3 Cornwell, Patricia - Cruel and Unusual pocket isbn: 0-7515-0168-9 Warner Books 3 Cornwell, Patricia - Cruel and Unusual pocket isbn: 0-7515-0168-9 Warner Books 3 Cornwell, Patricia - The Body Farm pocket isbn: 0-7515-1221-4 Warner Books 3 Cornwell, Patricia - Black Notice Groot Gebonden Boek & Omslag isbn: 0-399-14508-7 Putnam 5,50 Connolly, John - The Killing Kind pocket isbn: 0-340-77122-4 Coronet Books 2,50 Cook, Robin - Sphinx pocket isbn: 0-330-26088-X Pan 2 Coonts, Stephen - The Minotaur pocket isbn: 0-440-29512-2 Dell Fiction 2 Coonts, Stephen - Under Siege pocket isbn: 0-671-73473-3 Pocket Books 2 Cussler, Clive -Deep Six pocket isbn: 0-671-55797-1 Pocket Fiction 2 Cussler, Clive - Raise the Titanic pocket isbn: 0-553-10888-3 Bantam Books 2 Cussler, Clive - Shockwave pocket isbn: 9-780671-855642 Pocket Books 2,50 Cussler, Clive - Treasure pocket isbn: 0-586-07472-4 Harper Books 2,50 Dahl, Roald - Tales of the Unexpected pocket isbn: 0 14 00 5131 7 Pinguin 1 Dahl, Roald - Someone Like You pocket isbn: 0 14 00 3074 3 Pinguin 1 Davidson, Lionel - Kolymsky Heights pocket isbn: 0-7493-1713-2 Mandarin 2,50 Deaver, Jeffrey - The Stone Monkey pocket isbn: 0-340-73401-9 Coronet Books 3 Deighton, Len - Berlin Game pocket isbn: 0-586-05820-6 Granada 1,50 Deighton, Len -Catch a Falling Spy pocket isbn: 0 671 81685 3 195 Pocket Fiction 1,50 Dexter, Colin - The Jewel That Was Ours Groot Gebonden Boek & Omslag BCA Books 5 Eco, Umberto - The Name of the Rose pocket isbn: 0-330-28478-9 Picador 1,50 Ehly, Ehren M. - Evil Eye pocket isbn: 0-8439-2865-4 Leisure Horror 3 Ellroy, James - The Black Dahlia pocket isbn: 0-09-949853-7 Arrow Books 3 Eyster, Warren - Far from the Customary Skies pocket Bantam books 1 Felitta, Frank De - The Entity pocket isbn: 0-330-25898-2 Pan Books 2 Follett, Ken - Eye of the Needle pocket isbn: 0-451-15524-6 Signet 2 Forbes, Colin - The Leader of the Damned pocket isbn: 0-330-283677 Pan Books 2 Forbes, Colin - The Palermo Rush pocket Pan Books 1 Forsyth, Frederick - The Fist of God pocket isbn: 0553840002 Bantam Books 2,50 Forsyth, Frederick - The Fourth Protocol pocket isbn: 0-552-12687 Corgi 2,50 Forsyth, Frederick - The Devil's Alternative pocket isbn: 0-553-13863-4 Bantam 2,50 French, Nicci - Killing Me Sofly pocket isbn: 01 40275290 Penguin 3 French, Nicci - The Red Room pocket isbn: 0141008695141 Penguin 3 Furst, Alan - Dark Star pocket isbn: 0-586-21318-X Grafton 3 Gallagher, Stephen - Nightmare, With Angel pocket isbn: 0-340-59690-2 Coronet Books 2,50 Gardner, John - The Secret Generations pocket isbn: 0-552-12488-5 Corgi 2 George, Elizabeth - A Traitor to Memory pocket isbn: 0-340-76708-1 NEL Books 3 George, Elizabeth - A Traitor to Memory pocket isbn: 0-553-84037-1 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - Deception on his Mind pocket isbn: 0-553-57509-0 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - For the Sake of Elena pocket isbn: 0-553-56127-8 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner pocket isbn: 0-340-68884-X Nel Books 3 George, Elizabeth - In the Presence of the Enemy pocket isbn: 0-553-40846-1 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - Missing Joseph pocket isbn: 0-553-56604-0 Bantam Books 3 George, Elizabeth - Payment in Blood pocket isbn: 0-553-17511-4 Bantam Books 3 Gould, Nat - A Stroke of Luck pocket 0,50 Greene, Graham - Stamboul Train pocket isbn: 0-14-001898-0 Pinguin Books 1 Grisham, John - A Time to Kill pocket isbn: 0-440-21172-7 Island Books 2 Grisham, John - A Time to Kill pocket isbn: 0-440-21172-7 Island Books 2 Grisham, John - The Client pocket isbn: 0-440-21352-5 Island Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Client pocket isbn: 0-09-950801-X Arrow Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Brethren pocket isbn: 0-440-23667-3 Dell Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Chamber pocket isbn: 0-44022060-2 Dell Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Chamber pocket isbn: 0-44022060-2 Dell Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Partner pocket isbn: 0-440-29555-6 Island Books 2,50 Grisham, John - The Street Lawyer pocket isbn: 0-440-22570-1 Island Books 2,50 Guest, Diane - Cristobel pocket isbn: 0-00-637780-7 Fontana Books 3 Guest, Diane - Lullaby pocket isbn: 0-00-617985-1 Fontana Books 3 Guest, Diane - The Nightwalker pocket isbn: 0-00-637781-5 Fontana Books 3 Hackett, General Sir John & others - The Third World War pocket Sphere 2 Hailey, Arthur - Airport pocket isbn: 330 02305 5 Pan 2 Hailey, Arthur - Detective pocket isbn: 0-552-14376-6 Corgi 3 Hailey, Arthur - In high Places pocket Bantam 2 Hall, James W. - Under Cover of Daylight pocket isbn: 0-446-35231-4 Warner Books 2 Hassel, Sven - The Legion of the Damned pocket Pan 1 Hitchcock, Alfred - 12 Stories they wouldn't let me do on tv pocket 1 Huston, H.C. - The blind saw Murder pocket Corgi 1 Iles, Greg - Dead Sleep pocket isbn: 0-340-77008-2 Coronet 3 Innes, Hammond - Campbell's Kingdom pocket Fontana 1,50 Johns, Captain W.E. - Biggles Buries the Hatchet pocket Knight 1 Johns, Captain W.E. - Biggles in the South Seas pocket Armada 1 Johns, Captain W.E. - Biggles in the Terai pocket Knight 1 Kellerman, Jonathan - Devil's Waltz pocket pocket isbn: 0-7515-0108-5 Warner Books 3 Kellerman, Jonathan - Silent Partner pocket isbn: 0-7088-4472-3 Futura 3 Kellerman, Jonathan - The Butcher's Theatre pocket isbn: 0-7088-4231-3 Futura 2 Kellerman, Jonathan - Time Bomb pocket isbn: 0-7088-4850-8 Futura 3 Kellerman, Jonathan - When the Bough Breaks pocket isbn: 0-451-16862-3 Signet 2 Kerr, Philip - Gridiron pocket isbn: 0-09-970051-4 Vintage 2,50 King, Stephen - Christine pocket isbn: 0-450-05674-0 NEL 2,50 King, Stephen - Different Seasons pocket isbn: 0-7088-2360-2 Futura 2,50 King, Stephen - 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Engelse boeken: Ten Big Ones - Janet Evanovich
She's accidentally destroyed a dozen cars. She's a target for every psycho and miscreant this side of the Jersey Turnpike. He mother's convinced she'll end up dead...or worse, without a man. She's Stephanie Plum and she kicks butt for a living (well, she thought it would sound good to put it that way...) It begins as an innocent trip to the deli-mart, on a quest for nachos. But Stephanie Plum and her partner, Lula, are clearly in the wrong place at the wrong time. A robbery leads to an explosion, which leads to the destruction of yet another car. It would be just another day in the life of Stephanie Plum...except that she becomes the target of a gang. And the target of an even scarier, more dangerous force that comes to Trenton. With super bounty hunter Ranger out of town (and Stephanie on the outs with vice cop Morelli), she finds herself alone, with a decision to make: how to protect herself and where to hide while on the hunt for a killer known as the Junkman. There's only one safe place, and it has Ranger's name all over it-if she can find it. And if the Junkman doesn't find her first. With Lula riding shotgun and Grandma Mazur on the loose, Stephanie Plum is racing against the clock in her most suspenseful novel yet. Ten Big Ones is page-turning entertainment and Janet Evanovich is the best there is. |
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Engelse boeken: de Engelse grammatica - L.J. van den Berg
Engels lesboekje. Prima te gebruiken met bijles. Het boekje heeft 44 pagina's. Zoals de titel reeds aanduidt, geeft dit werk een samenvatting van de Engelse spraakkunst. Het is bestemd voor het voortgezet onderwijs. In de eerste leerjaren zal het gebruikt kunnen worden naast elke Engelse methode, terwijl het in de hogere klassen goede diensten zal kunnen bewijzen als repetitieboek en als naslagwerk. Bij het samenstellen van deze spraakkunst is gestreefd naar de grootst mogelijke duidelijkheid en overzichtelijkheid. Steeds is de geijkte terminologie gebruikt, met vermijding van alle wetenschappelijk vertoon. De grammaticale regels worden toegelicht aan de hand van eenvoudige, praktische voorbeelden, wat, naar de overtuiging van de schrijver, het werk aan bruikbaarheid zal hebben doen winnen. We willen het boekje opsturen maar u bent ook van harte uitgenodigd het bij ons op te komen halen. zoekwoorden: Engels leren bijles cursus spraak uitspraak bijspijkeren |
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Engelse boeken: Kenneth Grahame The Wind In The Willows - ill Rene Cloke !
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Engelse boeken: Collins Large Type Pronouncing Dictionary 350 Illustrations
448 pages, strongly bound in cloth x Kijk bij mijn advertenties voor nog meer mooie boeken |
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Engelse boeken: Aangeboden: diverse thrillers (Engels)
Diverse boeken in de Engelse taal (genre 'thriller'): 1. Jonathan Kellerman. Doctor Death. Warner Books, 2000 2. Jonathan Kellerman. Therapy. Headline Book Publishing, 2004 3. Faye Kellerman. Stalker. Avon Books, 2000 4. Jonathan Kellerman. Time Bomb. Warner Books, 1990 Alle boeken zijn in pocket-uitvoering en in goede staat. |
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Engelse boeken: Blackbirds 2003 Lijsters engelstalig per stuk 3,00
te koop Blackbirds 2003 Lijsters engelstalig per stuk 3,00 ISBN 9001 55649 3 *Titels:
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Engelse boeken: The Voyage of the Challenger by Eric Linklater
THE VOYAGE OF THE CHALLENGER by Eric Linklater Boek met gele kaft met illustratie met zwarte letteropdruk in goede conditie; 288 pagina's met meer dan 200 kleuren- en zwart/wit foto's, tekeningen, illustraties enz.; In 1872 HMS CHALLENGER sailed from Portsmouth on a journey that was to circumnativgate the world, covering over 68,000 nautical miles and lasting a thousand days. She was a three-masted corvette with auxiliary steam, and as well as a crew of over two hundred she carried a team of scientists led by Professor Wyville Thomson. The voyage of the CHALLENGER was a pioneer expedition of immense importance. Sponsored by the British Government and organised by the Royal Society in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, its ambitious aim was to chart the depths, movement and ceontents of the seas, to scour the oceans for marine life, minerals, and clues to c limact ic phenomena. The naturalists on board, Henry Moseley and John Murray, were observant recorders of life ashore as well as at sea, and their personal journals provide a vivid picture of their remote ports of call - the bleak penguin rookeries in the Antarctic, East Indian coral and spice islands, the hostile tribes New Guinea, and a meeting with the Mikado in Japan. 'Much infortiiation of a technical and specialist order made the voyage of the Challenger an unqualified success from the scientitic point of view. What Linklater has done is to go back beyond the facts to the men who found them, and in recreating that company of personalities on board that packed little ship ... he has made the voyage of the Challenger an equally unqualified success from the point of view of an ordinary human being' The Scotsman 'Sumptuous illustrations ... excellent text' The Observer An English graduate of Aberdeen University, Eric Linklat e r has b een intermittently a soldier and for longer periods a most prolific writer. He was assistant editor of The Times of India from 1925-7 and Lord Rector of Aberdeen University from 1945-8. His previous publications include: Poet's Pub, Juan in America, Magnus Merriman and Private Angelo. CONTENTS List of colour plates Acknowledgments 1 Edinburgh and the Navy 2 Ship's Company 3 Atlantic isles, Atlantic depths 4 Noddies, Boobies, and Brazil 5 The Penguins of Tristan da Cunha 6 Shore-leave at Cape Town 7 In the Roaring P'orties 8 Elephant Seals and Kerguelen Cabbage 9 An archipelago of glittering ice 10 A starfish and a storm 11 From Tonga to Fiji 12 The people of Cape York 13 For sale: Birds of Paradise 14 Mindanao and Zamboanga 15 New Guinea and the wood-carvers 16 The pleasures of Japan 17 Honolulu and the goddess Pele 18 Thir ty days to Tahiti 19 The castaways of Juan Fernandez 20 The firths of Patagonia 21 From the Falklands to Spithead Postscript: Achievements of the voyage Bibliography List and sources of monochrome illustrations Index |
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Engelse boeken: The Complete Bernhard Shaw Plays.PRACHTIG BOEK.
The Complete Bernhard Shaw Plays.PRACHTIG BOEK. Boek is in zeer goede staat. Uitgavejaar: 1965. 1404 Bladzijden. In het Engels. |
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