Engelse boeken: Oude Engelse en Amerikaanse romans uit de 1e helft 20e eeuw

Prijs E 6,95 per stuk

Ainsworth, W. H.: Old Saint Paul's. T. Nelson & Sons, London, begin 20e eeuw

Brittain, Vera: Testament of youth. An autobiographical study of the years 1900-1925. Victor Gollancz Ltd., London 1937

Dickens, Charles: Dombey and son. With frontispiece, Chapman & Hall, Ld., London, begin 20e eeuw E 9,95

Eliot, George: Adam Bede. Lovell, Coryell & Company, New York, eind 19e eeuw

Galsworthy, John: Flowering wilderness. William Heinemann Ltd., 1932

Johns, Captain W.E.: Biggles an the black peril. Dean & son Ltd., London begin 20e eeuw

Kaye-Smith, Sheila: The end of the house of Alard. Cassell & Company Ltd., London begin 20e eeuw

Law, Margaret Lathrop: Aimée. Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York, midden 20e eeuw

Le Queux, William: The doctor of Pimlico. Cassell & Company Ltd., London 1922

Led erer, William J. and Eugene Burdick: The ugly american. Victor Gollancz Ltd., London 1959

Leeper, Janet: English ballet. Pinguin Books, London 1945 E 9,95

Longstreth, Edward and Leonard T. Holton: What'll we do now? A thousand and one nights with America's gayest party throwers and various other ways of keeping a party at full cry. Fist aid till the milkman comes. Simon & Schuster, 1928 E 9,95

Moore, Bertha B.: Doctor Happy. WM. B. Eerdmans Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1946

Sheldon, Charles M.: In His steps. Broadman Press, Nashville, Tennessee 1935

Shellenberger, Eunice: Wings of decision. Herald Press, Scottdale, Pennsylvania 1951

Thackeray, William Makepeace: The history of Pendennis Vol. 1. Henry Frowde for Oxford University Press, 1907

Thackeray, William Makepeace: Vanity fair. With illustrations by the author. Macmillan and Co., Ltd. London 1901 E 9,95

Wells, H.G.: Mr. Britling sees it through. Cassell & Company Ltd., London begin 20e eeuw

Wilde, Oscar: De profundis. Methuen & Co. Ltd., London 1927

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