"If a book is worth reading, it is worth buying." (John Ruskin, 1819-1900) ("Wear the old coat and buy the new book.") (Austin Phelps) THE KING'S BUCCANEER Raymond E. Feist HarperCollins Publishers 1996 623 pages Paperback in almost good as new condition, apart from a slight crease to front cover and small rip where spine joins front cover at bottom. Photos are scans of actual book (WYSIWYG) Bid does not include mailing costs (book is too thick to fit through mail slot, so must be sent pakkettarief, 6,75 euros. I can send it opened flat for 2,76 euros. From the back of the book: "Play the game. Mara of Acoma, Ruling Lady of her house, is a force to be reckoned with when playing the bloody politics of the Game of Council. She's made great gains for her followers within the Empire, including valuable new lands. But they need cultivating, and slaves are in short supply due to the incessant War efforts against Midkemia. Play to win. Mara knows you don't get far without taking a gamble, so against advice she buys a group of Midkemian prisoners-of-war, only to discover that one of them is a noble: Kevin, the third son of the Baron of Zun. When she interviews him, it becomes apparent that he may be of great use in the Game of Council . . . Enter the mysterious world of Kelewan, where murder is as rife as false diplomacy. Enter a world of sweeping imagination and magical intrigue from two of the greatest writers of modern fantasy." ALSO AVAILABLE BY RAYMOND E. FEIST: THE KING'S BUCCANEER MISTRESS OF THE EMPIRE (with Janny Wur ts ================================== Please place your bid on the advertisement. Alleen bieden via Marktplaats SVP I don't respond to low bids or questions about a minimum price. Take a look at all my advertisements; you never know what you will find. Try the photo gallery instead of the list. ================================== BOOK CONDITION DEFINITIONS: GOOD AS NEW - Complete with dust jacket, if hard cover; not possible to distinguish from a new copy. EXCELLENT - Almost good as new; in near perfect condition. No defects but perhaps very slight rubbing to edges or corners. VERY GOOD - May show some minor signs of wear such as slight rubbing to edges and corners, but no faults or tears on either binding or paper; any defects are noted. GOOD - Obviously second-hand. Apart from minor faults, the book is complete in all respects;all pages or leaves present. Edges may be rubbed. Clean and tight copy unless described otherwise. Any defects are noted. ================================== "Pleasure doing business with you!" . . . . . "Mijn dank voor de fijne samenwerking en klantenservice." . . . . "Bedankt voor de snelle en perfekte levering van het boek". . . . "U weet hoe je een boek moet verpakken voor verzending. Heel veel dank..." "Fijn om te weten dat er toch mensen zijn die hun hobby erg serieus nemen" . . . "Prima staat, prima verpakt. Bedankt!" "Vond ik het van mijn kant uit prettig zaken te hebben gedaan met u." "Als ik weer een boek nodig heb, kijk ik eerst in je boekenlijst.". . . . . "Bedankt voor de goede service.". . . . "Het boek is in goede staat ontvangen. Bedankt voor de snelle service!". . . . "Dankjewel voor deze vlotte vriendelijke transactie." . . . . . "Bedankt voor het snel en prettig zaken doen.". . . . . "Hartstikke bedankt voor de prima service." . . . . . . "Bedankt voor de goede afhandeling." . . . . . "Bedankt voor de vlotte en vooral nette afhandeling.". . . . . "Dank voor de uitstekende moeite.". . . . . . "Dank voor de snelle zending" . . . . . "Bedankt voor de fijne manier van zaken doen!" "Ik heb de boeken ontvangen. . . ze zien er als nieuw uit en je had ze ook heel verzorgd opgestuurd. Ik ben er erg blij mee". . . ================================== |
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