Engelse boeken: Diverse titels, Australie, Aboriginals, Alice Springs

Gezocht: Diverse titels, Australie, Aboriginals, Alice Springs Prijs: N.o.t.k.

Ik ben op zoek naar diverse boeken met als gemeenschappelijk thema: Australie, aboriginals en Alice Springs.

The washerwoman's Dream - Hilarie Lindsay
My place - Sally Morgan
Alice on the line - Doris Blackwell, Douglas lockwood
Aboriginal stories - A.W. Reed
The stolen children – their stories - Edited by Carmel Bird
Rabbit proof fence - Doris Pilkington
Mutant Message Down Under - Marlo Morgan
The last of the nomads - W.J. Peasley
A field guide to Central Australia - Penny van Oosterzee
Born under the paperbark tree - Yidumduma Bill Harney
Blood on the wattle - Bruce Elders
Keep him my country - Mary Durack
Bush Aussies - Allan M. Nixon
The Bushies - Allan M. Nixon
A Son of 'The Red Centre' - Kurt G. Johannsen
To Be Heirs Forever - Mary Durack
Kings in grass castles - Mary Durack
Legendary Territorians - Reg Harris
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