Aangeboden: 2 pb Prijs: Bieden Iris Johansen: The killing game ( Coronet) - gelezen/matig Clare Francis: Betrayal (Pan) - gelezen doch net ex. |
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Engelse boeken: 2 pb
Engelse boeken: Bleachers; by John Grisham
Bleachers; by John Grisham Pocket; 229 pages; in good condition. |
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Engelse boeken: Gerhard van Roon: Hyde Park People, gratis verzending
Weerslag van een lange zwerftocht door het grootste park van Londen. Het schone en overzichtelijke landschap van het park is een perfecte tegenstelling voor de viezigheid en hectiek van de binnenstad van Londen. Het park is dan ook een geliefd toevluchtsoord om wonen of werk te ontvluchten, en de voorspelbaarheid van het park worden ruimschoots gecompenseerd door het exentrieke, en regelmatig hilarische gedrag van haar bezoekers. Niet slechts op zondags op Speakers Corner, maar ook tijdens kantooruren op de uitgestrekte grasvelden. Hyde Park People (2004) fotografie: Gerhard van Roon uitvoering: tweekleurendruk, gedrukt bij Rosbeek, gebonden door van Waarden in harde linnen kaft met los stofomslag. 48 pagina's formaat 20x22 cm. Nieuwprijs is 24,50, doe een leuk bod, de verzendkosten zijn gratis! |
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Engelse boeken: Acht Engelse boeken voor de jeugd - zo goed als nieuw
Acht Engelse boeken voor de jeugd - zo goed als nieuw Alles in 1 koop Holiday Hungry Jack Pippa from the joke shop Bad, bad boys The Amsterdam Connection Mei's dream Meet me in Istanbul My first English woordenboekje |
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Engelse boeken: Buddhism and Death door M.O'C. Walshe The Wheel publication
Buddhism and Death door M.O'C. Walshe The Wheel publication No. 261 Verzendkosten 0,90 Zie ook mijn andere advertenties |
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Engelse boeken: Five Years of British Labour 1945-1950 R de Visme Williamsom
Aangeboden: Five Years of British Labour 1945-1950 R de Visme Williamsom Prijs: T.e.a.b. FIVE YEARS OF BRITISH LABOUR 1945-1950 edited by René de Visme Williamson and Lee S. Greene Distributed by Kallman Publishing Company Copyright 1950 by the Southern Political Science Association Boek met grijs/groene kaft me rode ilustratie met rode letteropdruk in perfecte conditie; 404 pagina's; A SYMPOSIUM reprinted from The Journal of Politics Volume 12 Number 2 May 1950 The British general election of February, 1950 was so indecisive that a second general election appears to be necessary if Britain is to have a stable government. In anticipation of the first election the editors of The Journal of Politics decided to devote the May issue of 1950 to an examination of the record of the Labour Government which took office in 1945. This examination should now have an even greater interest in view of the indecisiveness of the e lection results and the strong possibility that the country will again have to be consulted. In accordance with past custom certain issues of the Journal have been published separately; the importance of the British scene to American students of politics has seemed to justify the reprinting of the May, 1950 issue in the present form. We wish to thank the contributors to this volume for their prompt response to our requests to assist us in this symposium. René de Visme Williamson Lee S. Greene CONTENTS Contributors The Program of the British Labour Party; an Historical Survey Francis Williams The Reform of British Central Government, 1945-1949 Herman Finer Local Government Under the British Labour Government Winston W. Crouch Aspects of National Economic Planning Under the Labour Government Martha M. Black The Genesis of the British Economic Plan; 1945 to 1950 Gilbert Walker Banking and Credit Under the Labour Government; 1945-1949 David Rowan The British Social Security Program Barbara Lewis and R. H. B. Condie Financial Aspects of Britain's National Coal Board R. Vance Presthus The Foreign Policy of the Labour Government Paul Gore-Booth The British Labour Party in the General Elections, 1906-1945 Lowell H. Harrison and Fred E. Grassland Francis Williams, C. B. E, is the author of the recent book, Socialist Britain, published in this country by the Viking Press. He is also the author of Fifty Years March; The Rise of the Labour Party. Mr. Williams was formerly editor of the Daily Herald. During the war he was Head of the News and Censorship Divisions of the British Ministry of Information and from 1945 to 1947 he was Advisor on Public Relations to Prime Minister Attlee. During 1949 he was a correspondent in the United St ates for the London Observer. He is the British Representative on the United Nations Sub-Commission on Freedom of Information and the Press. Herman Finer, in the course of a varied career, has held connections with the London School of Economics, the International Labor Office, the Social Science Research Council, and the University of Chicago, where he is now professor of political science. His numerous books and articles are widely known. Winston W. Crouch is Director of the Bureau of Governmental Research and associate professor of political science at the University of California at Los Angeles. He is a member of the Los Angeles County Civil Service Commission. He is the author of books and articles in the field of local government and administration. Martha M. Black is now Research Assistant to the Associate Director of the Public Administration Clearing House. She has taught at Wellesley College and has worked for the FEC, the War Ma npower Commission, and the U. S. Bureau of the Budget. Gilbert Walker was educated at New College, Oxford and now occupies the chair of economics at the University of Birmingham, England. He served in the Ministry of Supply in London during the war. He is the author of books and articles on transport, nationalization, and population problems. David Rowan is a graduate of the University of Bristol and isnow assistant lecturer in economics at the University of Birmingham, England, specializing in money and banking. Barbara Lewis is a lecturer in the Social Studies Department of the University of Birmingham. She has worked in industrial welfare and juvenile employment fields. Robert H. B. Condie was educated at the University of Glasgow. He is now assistant lecturer at the University of Birmingham, specializing in social and labor economics. R. Vance Presthus is assistant professor of public administration and political science at the University of Southern California. He spent several months in England in 1947 where he made a study of the British National Coal Board. Paul Gore-Booth was made a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in the last New Year's Honours List. Lsist autumn he arrived in the United States to become head of the British Information Services. He has been in the United States repeatedly as a member of various delegations. He joined the British Foreign Service in 1933 and has held diplomatic posts in Vienna, Tokyo, and Washington. After 1945 he served in the Foreign Office in London in charge of the United Nations Refugee Department. Fred E. Crossland is instructor in political science at the Washington Square College of New York University. Lowell Harrison is a member of the Department of History of Washington Square College of New York University. He has published in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, and in other journals. |
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Engelse boeken: Boxed Set 4 J.R.R. TOLKIEN books ~ Hobbit, The Two Towers..
"If a book is worth reading, it is worth buying." (John Ruskin, 1819-1900) ("Wear the old coat and buy the new book.") (Austin Phelps) BOXED SET OF 4 BOOKS BY J. R. R. TOLKIEN THE HOBBIT, 1973 THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, 1973 THE TWO TOWERS, 1973 THE RETURN OF THE KING, 1973 Ballantine Books New York Paperbacks, all in nearly good as new, unread condition. Spines are slightly discolored from age. Box is also in very good condition, light rubbing, minor signs of wear on edges as seen in photo 2. Only thing you could possibly call a "defect" is slight bumping to lower right hand corner of backside of box (photo 3) and top is perhaps faded. Photos are scans of actual book (WYSIWYG) Bid does not include mailing costs (6,75 euros, pakkettarief) On back of each v olume, over photo of the author: "This paperback edition, and no other, has been published with my consent and co-operation. Those who approve of courtesy (at least) to living authors will purchase it, and no other." J. R. R. Tolkien Sorry; I do not respond to unrealistic bids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I prefer that you place your bid on the advertisement. However if you email me, please state which item or book you are emailing about and TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO PAY FOR IT. (PLEASE don't ask me what I want for it; if I think your bid is unreasonably low, I'll say so.... or I won't respond at all.) Save on mailing costs by ordering more than one book at a time. Click on BE KIJK ALLE ADVERTENTIES to see the other books (in English and Dutch) and items I offer on Marktplaats. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOOK CONDITION DEFINITIONS: EXCELLENT - Almost good as new. No defects. VERY GOOD - Shows some small signs of wear, but no tears on either binding or paper. any defects are noted. GOOD - Average used read book that has all pages or leaves present. Any defects are noted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pleasure doing business with you!" . . . . . "Bedankt voor de snelle en perfekte levering van het boek". . . . "Fijn om te weten dat er toch mensen zijn die hun hobby erg serieus nemen" . . . "Prima staat, prima ver pakt. Bedankt!" "Vond ik het van mijn kant uit prettig zaken te hebben gedaan met u." "Als ik weer een boek nodig heb, kijk ik eerst in je boekenlijst.". . . . . "Bedankt voor de goede service.". . . . "Goed ontvangen, bedankt. ". . . . . "Dankjewel voor deze vlotte vriendelijke transactie." . . . . . "Bedankt voor het snel en prettig zaken doen.". . . . . "Hartstikke bedankt voor de prima service." . . . . . . "Bedankt voor de goede afhandeling." . . . . . "Bedankt voor de vlotte en vooral nette afhandeling.". . . . . "Dank voor de uitstekende moeite.". . . . . . "Dank voor de snelle zending" . . . . . "Bedankt voor de fijne manier van zaken doen!" "Ik heb de boeken ontvangen. . . ze zien er als nieuw uit en je had ze ook he el verzorgd opgestuurd. Ik ben er erg blij mee". . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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Engelse boeken: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy set van 5 boeken
Set is in zo goed als nieuwe staat. Alleen eerste boek is, een keer, gelezen. A five-volume edition charting Arthur Dent's odyssey through space, comprising: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy One Thursday lunchtime the Earth gets demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass. For Arthur, who has just had his house demolished, this is too much. Sadly, the weekend's just begun. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe When all issues of space, time, matter and the nature of being are resolved, only one question remains: Where shall we have dinner? The Restaurant at the End of the Universe provides the ultimate gastronomic experience and, for once, there is no morning after. Life, The Universe and Everything In consequence of a number of stunning catastrophes, Arthur Dent is surprised to find himself living in a hideously miserable cave on prehistoric Earth. And then, just as he thinks that things cannot possibly get any worse, they suddenly do. So Long, And Thanks for All The Fish Arthur Dent's sense of reality is in its dickiest state when he suddenly finds the girl of his dreams. They go in search of God's Final Message and, in a dramatic break with tradition, actually find it. Mostly Harmless 20 years on, the Guide falls into the hands of Arthur Dent's daughter, Random, whose mother, unexpectedly to all concerned, is Trillian. Random journeys to an insignificant planet, whose entry in the Guide reads "mostly harmless". Bod exclusief evt verzendkosten. Kijk ook eens bij mijn overige advertenties. |
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Engelse boeken: Uitverkoop! The Still, D. Feintuch ' A medieval adventure'
Aangeboden: The still, David Feintuch, ' A rousing medieval adventure' ISBN: 0-446-60551-4 paperback, 1997 Engelstalig 578 pagina's in nette staat. Van 4,- nu 2,- ! Uitverkoop, nu al mijn boeken 50% korting! Verzendkosten: 2,20 (en ophalen mag) " If you seek a king, Look to me! I dug at Ebon's flanks. He leaped as if galvanized. Wind tore at my jerkin. I set my javelin as the batlemaster had taught. For Rodrigo! rust sounded confident, even joyous. For Caledon! No time for more words. Rust spurred Santree, managed to close to my side. We sailed over the fallen trunk. A soldier reared; my javelin tore through his chest. With a twist, I pulled it free. Fostrow thundered, two paces behind. Wait, Roddy! Form a line! I tugged gently on the reins, and Ebon slowed enough for him to close. In a mad gallop, others of our band joined the line. Behind the fallen tree the archers took aim. We couldn't charge them head-on; the trees were too strong a barrier. But Verein hadn't finished boxing their archers with pickmen, and to our right the way was open. I waved my javelin. Flank them! It meant a dash the width of the field, across the massed archers. Death, for many of us...' ' Prince Rodrigo was born to rule - or was he? The spoiled young heir of Caledon has paid scant heed to duty, compassion, or the Power he must Wield... until the queen's death leaves him a hunted outlaw. To claim his crown, Roddy needs allies. To win them, he must learn to rule. To rule, he must command the Still, the ancient power of Caledon. But first he must rule himself. For to become a king, Rodrigo must first become a man...' |
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Engelse boeken: Margaret Atwood - The Blind Assassin
Prachtig boek met verschillende vertel-lagen van meesterverteller Margaret Atwood. Hardcover in goede staat. Engelstalig. Af te halen of tegen bijbetaling op te sturen. Margaret Atwood's latest Booker Prize-winning novel is a mystery nested within a love story, nested within a century-spanning exploration of a woman's life. These layered stories within stories are told through a memoir, a novel, newspaper articles, and pulp science-fiction tales, and are expertly revealed by narrator Margot Dionne. Dionne's narration is hypnotic and moody, mapping out Atwood's social and emotional geography, the many little hurts and betrayals, and the hopes. Listeners will find themselves piecing together the clues, guessing at truths, but the rewards are to be found in the layering of details and the skill of the storytelling. Kijk ook eens bij mijn overige advertenties voor nog meer mooie boeken en bespaar op verzendkosten. |
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Engelse boeken: Shadows and Strongholds, from Elizabeth Chadwick.
Shadows and Strongholds, from Elizabeth Chadwick. 'An author who makes history come gloriously alive''. The Times. |
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Engelse boeken: James Herriot's Dog Storys
James Herriot recounts delightful stories about all sorts of dogs - big ones, small ones, shaggy mogrels and sleek aristocrats. |
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Engelse boeken: Engels voor kinderen
KIDZBOOKS Engels Voor Kinderen Nieuw Boek Captain Yellowbelly Prentboek Prachtig Geillustreerd Glossy Paperback Lees/Voorleesboek Leeftijd Indicatie 2 tot 12 jaar Prijs 5,00 Verzendkosten 1,76 euro Voor meer kinderboeken, cd's, dvd's en spelletjes waarmee kinderen Engels kunnen leren kijk naar mijn andere advertenties |
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Engelse boeken: diverse engelstalige thrillers prijs is per stuk
Aangeboden: diverse engelstalige thrillers prijs is per stuk Prijs: 2,50 diverse engelstalige thrillers in redelijke tot nette staat, oa john grisham : the client / the street lawyer , the partner / the runaway jury , the brethren / a painted house , the rainmaker dean koontz : strangers stephen leather : the vets patricia cornwell : the body farm , cause of death , unnatural exposure , cruel and unusual , post mortem boeken afhalen in amsterdam centrum english thrillers detectives price a piece 2.50 |
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Engelse boeken: second marriage, Frederick Barthelme
leuk engels boekje van schrijver: Frederick Barthelme om je engels te stimuleren of bij te houden. Bij meerdere boekenafname, is thuisbrengen een mogelijkheid, eventeel voor een kleine bijdrage, wel naast/in de buurt van nsstation, of kennemerland, vleuten, rotterdam, monster Kijk ook bij mijn andere advertenties! |
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Engelse boeken: The Bourne identity (Robert Ludlum)
Paperback, 541 pagina's, boek is uit 1980 Verzendkosten ( 2,20) koper of afhalen Het boek wordt opengevouwen verstuurd |
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Engelse boeken: 3 engels boeken van Lijsters
3 engelse boeken van de Lijsters serie : Crazy games - Sandra Glover Bully - Yvonne Coppard Heroes - Robert Cormier |
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Engelse boeken: Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad
Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad Marshall Cavendish Partworks, London 1993 - 307 p. - (the great writers library) This a fascimile reproduction of an edition published in 1937 by J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd. Hardback. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), is ranked as one of the greatest prose writers in English literature. Critically famous for such works as Nostromo, Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, The Secret Agent and Under Western Eyes , Conrad has remained a figure of intense interest for modern readers. In many ways it is the conflicts reflected in Conrad's writings - romantic versus rationalistic, conservative versus anarchic - that mark their continuing appeal. Living, as he did, in a post-Darwinian age - with the decline of religious belief and its replacement by science - his work explores notions of pessimism and atavism. The clashes between primitive and modern cultures, and between the individua l and society are the mes that can be found throughout his work. Exclusief verzend- en verpakkingskosten 2,50. Je kunt het boek natuurlijk ook afhalen in Schalkhaar (bij Deventer). Klik svp rechtsbovenaan op "Bekijk alle advertenties van adverteerder" voor mijn andere advertenties! |
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Engelse boeken: Paul Gallico-Flowers for Mrs Harris
Verzendkosten voor de koper |
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Engelse boeken: James Leasor Passport to Peril
Pan pocket 1967 2. printing 237 blz Pocket in goede staat geelt op de leeftijd. Geen naam etc in gezet. The exiting succesor to where the spies are.. passport to Oblivon. Portokosten koper of af te halen na overleg Opbrengst gaat naar kleinschalige projecten in Ghana en Sri Lanka |
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Engelse boeken: House of Spies van Griselda Grifford
Aangeboden: House of Spies van Griselda Grifford Prijs: T.e.a.b. ISBN 9789001 775896 Lijster uitgave, ziet er nog netjes uit. Kan in envelop worden verzonden |
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Engelse boeken: Uitverkoop! Foucault's Pendulum, Umberto Eco
Aangeboden; Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum ISBN: 0-330-31497-1 Paperback, 1989 Engelstalig 641 pagina's, gelezen Van 7,- nu 3,50 ! Uitverkoop, nu al mijn boeken 50% korting! Dit boek kan worden verzonden als pakket (6,75 tot tien kilo TNT), en mag natuurlijk worden gehaald! ' From the ever-swinging pendulum, the narrative, like an advanced computer programme, multiplies, divides, proliferates, generates laws of series, and endlessly cross-refers....full of mental adventure, narrative suspense, great intelligence and moral good humour. Foucault's Pendulum bridges high academicism and the tricks of popular fiction, and offers to combine usually conflicting audiences' Malcolm Bradbury, The Sunday Times ' Foucault's Pendulum is as brilliant and quirky a The name of the Rose, as mischievous and wide-ranging, as playful and full of puns, allusions and literary references' Alix Madrigal, San Francisco Chronicle ' It's a museum, a numerological table, a toybox, a stained glass window and silted up delta... Foucault zooms across continents, the centuries, in and out of the wisdom of cabala and the occult, of physics, of computer technology, of political forsight and hindsight, of the social and sexual mores of ' 60s/70s southern European intellectuals' Nick Coleman, 20/20 Doe een leuk bod, en kijk ook even bij mijn andere advertenties! |
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