Nieuwe boeken... Engelstalig Holes - Louis Sachar Stanley Yelnats has been unjustly sent to a boy's detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day, digging holes exactly five feet wide en five feet deep. There is no lake at Camp Green lake. But there are an awful lot of holes. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more going on at Camp Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. But what of importance could be buried under a dried-up lake Juggling lessons - Jan Page Eleanor's parents are divorced. When she is with her mum, who is in the circus, she is Nel, the cool 14 year old girl who loves juggling and swimming and longs for a passionate romans. When she is with her Dad she is Eleanor, a quiet and boring person who likes watching soap operas. When Nel goes to stay with her mum in Cornwall over the summer, the Los Diabolos, a Spanish circis, come to stay too. Nel falls in love with one of them, Oriol, but their romance is cut short when Nel has to go back to live with her dad. And it's then that she decides to do something drastic fot the first time in her life A bridge to the stars - Henning Mankell Joel lives with his father in the cold northern part of Sweden. His mother has left him end his father and Joel desperately wants to know why. At night he often sneaks out of the house to look for a lonely dog he has seen from his window. On the bridge across the icy river he starts a secret society, but gets into serious trouble by listening to his young-calles friend Ture. And then, when he returns home from one of his nightly adventures he finds his father's bed empty 1 is voor een klein deel gelezen en nog als nieuw, de andere 2 zijn geheel nieuw. Het zijn alledrie boeken van LIJSTERS voor de jeugd Geschikt als leesboeken voor examen VMBO Prijs 7 euro samen Verzenden: Prijs + 2,64 Voor o.a. meer boeken kijkt U eens bij onze overige advertenties |
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Engelse boeken: Holes, Juggling lessons, A bridge to the stars - 3 x nieuw
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